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是的,它们可能影响你的双脚。Well they may be affecting your feet.

水是影响黄土高原地区刺槐生长的主要因子。Water is a main factor affecting locust growth.

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在不影响本分的情况下去赶潮流。Without affecting sub-going drive of the trend.

它能阻碍运动神经元对肌肉纤维的支配It blocks motor neurons from affecting muscle fibers.

每个拷贝可以独立更新,而不会相互影响。Each copy can be updated without affecting the others.

海洋水温的提高以及过度捕捞严重影响着海洋生物。Warmer oceans and over-fishing are affecting sea life.

什麽因素影响你选择美心MX?。What are the factors affecting your choose Maxim's MX?

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田馥甄不担心因负面新闻而找不到爱情!Hebe is not afraid of rumors affecting her finding love!

这种信息最后会影响配方。This kind of information ends up affecting formulations.

研究了影响溶质保留值的此素。The factors affecting on retention of solute were studied.

对影响超滤的因素进行了论述。The factors affecting ultrafiltration were also summarized.

有什麽因素影响你购买益力多?。What are the main factors affecting you to purchase Yakult?

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是成茶品质的肥料主效因子,其次为RC。K and RC were the main factors affecting the quality of tea.

另一个影响用水的长期因素,是气候变迁。The other long-term trend affecting water is climate change.

双乙酰是影响啤酒风味的重要物质。Diacetyl is an important matter affecting the flavor of beer.

那部感情电影的动机在于感动被开除的人。The motive of the affecting cine is to move the abolishd men.

我们正处在一个巨大无比的混乱之中,是的,它严重影响了我。We are in a big, big mess and yes, it's affecting me terribly.

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导致皮肤生成深部脓疮,影响面部容貌。Cause skin deep abscess formation, affecting facial appearance.

目的探讨住院费用的影响因素。Objective To analyze affecting factors on hospitalization cost.

他研究了待测峰高的影响因素。The factors affecting the measured peak heights are considered.