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诺曼想使她怀孕的努力失败了。Norman's efforts to impregnate her failed.

这种有机质渗入了大面积的砂岩。These organic impregnate large volumes of sandstone.

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这些男孩让少女怀孕后,女孩儿们要承担什么后果呢?What happens to the young girls these boys impregnate?

或者使她怀孕了,取决于你读的哪个版本。Or impregnate her, depending on which version you read.

在她生育后不久,一只公牛再次和她进行交配。A bull moves in soon after the birth to impregnate her again.

米色元素被大量融入此次整个系列,凸显女性的纯洁典雅。Beiges with new hues impregnate the whole collection, promoting clean femininity.

卧底警官发现了用于使迷幻药浸透到纸里的毒品制造设备。Undercover officers found drug-making equipment used to impregnate paper with LSD.

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奥南在哥哥死后,主命令他使他哥哥的妻子怀孕。After his brother died, Onan was commanded by God to impregnate his brother’s wife.

半年之内,我的父亲让两个女人都怀上了孩子。My father had managed to impregnate the two women in his life within six months of each other.

有时男淫妖能使妇女怀孕,生下来的后代被称为半人妖。Incubi sometimes impregnate their female victims, and the resultant offspring is called a cambion.

结论四川省仍可采用溴氰菊酯处理蚊帐灭蚊防疟。Conclusion It is still effective in Sichuan to impregnate mosquito nets with pyrethroid for the control of malaria.

它是太阳复活的日子及经常以血祭庆祝“地球受孕“。It is the date of the Sun's resurrection and was often celebrated with a blood sacrifice to "impregnate the Earth".

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研究发现环状聚芳醚酮齐聚物熔融温度低,熔体粘度小,具有良好的流动性,十分有利于充模成型及浸渍增强纤维。The melt viscosity of the cyclic oligomer is very low which is necessary to impregnate the carbon reinforcement well.

但是一个优等民族并没有因此而产生,因为需要借助精子库内的精子怀孕的育龄妇女毕竟是极少数。They haven't created a master race because only a tiny number of women have wanted to impregnate themselves this way.

自然历史杂志2006年的一期曾提到,雄性粪蝇必须通过惨烈的斗争才能觅得和雌性繁衍后代的机会。For instance, as the Journal of Natural History noted in 2006, male dung flies often must compete violently to impregnate females.

但如今我和我的南非兄弟姐妹面对的主要问题在于,外国人让我们的女孩怀孕,然后又把她们抛弃”,莫克纳说。Now my main problem staying with our African brothers and sisters is that they impregnate our girls and dump them, " says Mokeona.

这些无耳海豹是高度一夫多妻制的交配体系,一只胜利的雄性海豹一个季度能够使50只雌性海豹受孕。These true seals have a highly polygynous mating system, with a successful male able to impregnate up to 50 females in one season.

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当一只雌性帝企鹅准备好要交配的时候,她会接近雄性帝企鹅,并平躺在地上,等着另一方来使她受孕。When a female emperor penguin is ready to mate, she approaches the male and lies flat on the ground waiting for him to impregnate her.

在进化心理学的语境下,男人难以接受另一半和异性有一腿,是怕那个异性使她怀孕了。In this evolutionary context, men are more troubled by a female partner going off with a man because of the risk that he may impregnate her.

克鲁尼们往往花心,因为男人跟女人的基因不同—-他们想让很多的健康女性怀孕。"Clooneyish" men tend to be unfaithful, because men have a different genetic agenda from women – they want to impregnate lots of healthy women.