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一个剑客。A swordsman.

那是一个出色的剑手。He is a fine swordsman.

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他是个有名的剑客。He is renowned swordsman.

你知道我最爱剑客了。As you know, I favor swordsman.

他站着的姿势活象一位芭蕾舞中的剑客。He stood like a swordsman in a ballet.

面对珠魅剑士连一点畏惧都没有。Facing a Jumi swordsman without even flinching.

那位击剑运带动刺中了对手的胸部。The swordsman pinked his opponent in the chest.

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人们说这是至今最伟大的剑客?The great swordsman people say was ever written?

久闻殿下是剑术高手。We hear that Your Highness is an expert swordsman.

Matajuro成了一位伟大的剑客。Matajuro became the greatest swordsman in the land.

她是最优秀的剑客。He was the best wizard and she was the best swordsman.

有时根据宗教仪式,六个武士将处女的头砍掉。Sometimes the six swordsman ritually beheaded the virgin.

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他在美军中是个好骑兵和剑手。He was a good cavalryman and swordsman in the U. S. A. Army.

现场一阵沉默,人们期盼着世界上最伟大的击剑手出场。A hush fell in anticipation of the world's greatest swordsman.

金蛇郎君也还是爱上了替身。The golden snake swordsman still also fell in love with double.

扶贫济困是习武之人最基本的武德。The basic virtue of a swordsman is to help the weak and the poor.

但是有人说武侠只是现代人的梦。But someone said that the swordsman was a dream of the modern people.

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我倒是喜欢像那些狭义小说里的英雄儿女。就好像你和李慕白一样。I prefer heroes and heroines in swordsman novels, just like you and Li Mubai.

自此,他不再理会那些剑客,也不再支助他们的生活费用。Since then, he ignored the swordsman and no longer financing their cost of living.

最伟大的剑客失了准头,而他仍在笑。The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile.