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澳大拉西亚常绿树木或灌木。Australasian evergreen trees or shrubs.

1905年,一个叫做澳大拉西亚男子锦标赛的联赛诞生。In 1905 was created a tournament named The Australasian Mens Championships.

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这是昆士兰大学澳大利亚衰老研究中心的网站。This is the website for Australasian Centre on Ageing, The University of Queensland.

论文发表于第二十二届科学教育学术研讨会。Paper presented at 39th Conference of the Australasian Science Education Research Association.

最近参加在墨尔本举办的碾磨制品协会代表们都得知了这一讯息。That's what delegates attending the Australasian Milling Conference in Melbourne were told recently.

中华民国第二十二届科学教育学术研讨会,台湾师大。Paper presented at the annual conference Australasian Science Education Research Association. Fremantle, Australia.

麦克劳德先生说,经济困难的气候意味着2009年是充满挑战的时候了澳大利亚房地产市场。Mr McLeod said the difficult economic climate meant 2009 was a challenging time for the Australasian property market.

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它将要被送往新西兰,建造大洋洲地区第一个大猩猩培育基地。The gorilla will be sent to New Zealand to establish one of the first gorilla bachelor groups in the Australasian region.

代表大会组委会我高兴的邀请您参加第15届澳大利亚更年期学会会议。On behalf of the Organising Committee I take great pleasure in inviting you to attend the 15th Australasian Menopause Society Congress.

但是,他在澳大利亚睡眠协会珀斯会议称,在偿清了睡眠债的同时,也要付出代价。But he told the Australasian Sleep Association Conference in Perth that while this might help pay off a "sleep debt", it came at a cost.

他是澳洲特种咖啡协会前执行官,和澳洲咖啡师学院前主任。He is the former Executive Officer of the Australasian Specialty Coffee Association, and former Director of Barista College of Australia.

联络与澳纽大学牙科学校在发展的教学和研究的机会,为教师在正畸。To liaise with the Australasian University Dental Schools in developing teaching and research opportunities for teachers in orthodontics.

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鼓励追求卓越的表现,研究生在澳洲大学牙科学校与合适的业绩奖励。To encourage excellence in the performance of postgraduate students in Australasian University Dental Schools with suitable performance awards.

他经常撰写有关环境、美国和澳大利亚政治方面内容的博客,并一直关注涉及气候变化的各方面问题。He blogs regularly on environmental issues, American and Australasian politics, and the lighter side of global affairs, whilst maintaining an active and ongoing interest in all things climate change.