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怎样求被除数?How do you work out the dividend?

他们说,股利政策是无关的They said, dividend policy is irrelevant.

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还有一个常用词是"股票股利"Another common term is a "stock dividend."

彩金–一个注码的回报或可赢金额。Dividend – The payout or return on any bet.

从被除数中减去除数。The divisor is subtracted from the dividend.

股利则更加具体The dividend is something much more concrete.

农业户口可以享受分红政策。The agriculture accounts can enjoy dividend policy.

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董事会会上推荐股息数每股10便士。The board meeting recommend a dividend of 10p a share.

如果一家公司蠃利,它会发放经利。If a corporation is making money, it will pay a dividend.

Gevorgyan也认为,中国希望赢得一些“政治红利”。Gevorgyan agreed China wants to earn a "political dividend."

新濠国际董事会未提议派发中期股息,与2009年一致。As in 2009, the board didn't recommend a first-half dividend.

今天就买,再等的话就拿不到分红了If you buy it today--if you wait, you won't get the dividend.

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股利将于二○○六年九月廿二日发放。The payable date for the dividend will be September 22, 2006.

对红利分配不征收应收预扣税款。There is no withholding tax payable on dividend distribution.

由一家公司部署证券结构并支付股利。One firm would arrange the structure and handle dividend payments.

现在继续探讨股票股利的问题I was going to talk about a stock dividend and I started to do that.

指应课税的收入,例如利息、股息或是薪金在发放时被扣下的税款。Tax deducted at source on interest or dividend payments to investors.

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存在代理成本情况下公司股利政策的相关性研究。Agency costs and the pertinency of the dividend policy of the company.

杜邦这样的分红股也提供另一重保障。Dividend stocks such as DuPont also provide another kind of protection.

我来讲讲这个,公司不愿意支付股利I'll talk about this-- the company doesn't ever have to pay a dividend.