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这是一项非常棘手的工作。This is an augean task.

总之,我们知道,情况极为糟糕。We know, in short, that this was the Augean stables.

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网友实拍某栏目现场——肮脏!Net friend reality pat some column scene Augean stable!

他们的任务是清除道德领域里的积弊。Their work was to cleanse the Augean stable in the moral field.

如何扫除这个城市的积弊仍然是个紧要问题。How to clean the Augean stables of this city remains a critical problem.

如何扫除这个成绩的积弊仍然是个紧要问题。How to clean the Augean stables of this city remains a critical problem.

如血液一样的鲜红、如血液一样的肮脏。As a kind of fresh blood liquid red, like blood a kind of liquid augean dirty.

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我们要以彻底扫清积垢的精神反对腐败。We need the courage of cleansing the Augean stable to fight against corruption.

诚信,是一股清泉,它将洗去欺诈的肮脏,让世界的每一个角落都流淌着洁净。It will wash away Augean stable cheating , lets everyone the world corner be flowing cleanly.

由于一个醉酒青少年的告发,戈洛温家族被安置在了远离家乡的地方,那儿条件很恶劣。Denounced by a drunk teenager, the Golo vins are resettled a continent away in Augean conditions.

长久以来,在詹姆斯•默多克和他的帝国统治下,清除积弊进行改革更像是隔靴搔痒。For far too long – under both James Murdoch and her own reign – the cleansing of the Augean stables looked more like a light dusting.

罕的政治理想就是领导要求变革的巴基斯坦人,掀起一场整肃巴基斯坦官场深度腐败的大规模运动。Mr Khan dreams of leading a mass movement of motivated Pakistanis calling for an Augean clean-up of the country's abysmally corrupt politics.

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过去两年间,奥巴马四处夸夸而谈,都说要清扫华盛顿这个”奥吉亚斯牛圈”2,封死权钱间的”旋转门”,提高精神文明水平。Throughout two years of high-flown speechifying he promised to clean the Augean stables of Washington, close the revolving door between power and money and raise ethical standards.