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我想你的哑谜游戏已经被大家看穿了。I think your charade is all played out.

整个场面就像手势字谜游戏那样矫饰做作。the whole scene was as unreal as a charade.

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我已经看穿你那位纳鲁德博士那无聊的字母游戏了。I've seen through your 'Doctor Narud's' pathetic charade.

你有玩过看手势猜字谜游戏吗?。His poems, despite their dignity and felicity, have an air of charade.

我们把我们的最佳价值扔到一边,使它们看起来像个无解的猜谜。We tossed aside our best values, making them look like a hollow charade.

在所有一切步骤未有落实前,任何选举都只会成为假象,成为民主的过场戏。Without those basic steps, any election becomes a sham, a charade of democracy.

然而,她不认为我们的家庭字谜游戏一定是坏事。She doesn't, however, believe that our family charade is necessarily a bad thing.

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告诉你们的总统不要干涉我们的国家,停止这种虚伪的和平谈判的把戏。Tell your President to leave our countries alone and stop the charade of peace talks.

别告诉我又是谜中谜。我知道你有多害怕去找沃尔特·马修。Don't tell me it was " Charade " again. I know how terrifying you find Walter Matthau.

所以超级委员会原来就是一场盛大的躲猫猫,而政客们,是最擅长躲猫猫的。So all this turned out to be a grand charade -- and politicians are great at charades.

让邓肯在内线完成射篮,而马特邦纳能在外线发炮。Get Tim a big man to deter inside shots, and you can stop with the Matt Bonner charade.

当然,一些女人认为保留一些神秘感要比坦然相对更富有魅力。Of course, some women argue that maintaining the charade is more desirable than loafing about.

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是以,美国基本不成能发生债务背约——我们上周看到的那类假戏真做的政治秀不算数。There is thus no chance of a default – apart from the kind of political charade we saw last week.

我只是希望涉及这场虚伪表演的其他人到头来不会背上所有的黑锅,而奥巴马却能保持一身清白。I only hope the others involved in the charade don't end up taking all the blame and Obama walks away without any scares.

如果你突然大谈特谈面试官的发型多麽好,面试官马上就能看穿你的小心思。If you suddenly begin gushing about how GREAT the interviewer's haircut is, the interviewer will see right through your charade.

这些投机者中大部分其实都是银行,但这些银行都得靠政府救助,因此这个过程看起来就像猜字谜游戏一样让人搞不懂。Many of these speculators turn out to be banks, which then have to be rescued by governments, so this process is a bit of a charade.

应用有限元法对夏利轿车液力减振器簧片的变形特性进行了分析。Deformation characteristic of the Charade car hydraulic shock absorber spring valve chip is analyzed by means of finite element method.

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巴罗佐新建团队必须经历的欧洲议会听证会在很大程度上将演变成一场枯燥乏味的字谜游戏。To a large degree, the hearings in the European parliament which Barroso's new team is required to undergo will amount to a tedious charade.

他们的伪装让K想起了她的爷爷,她的爷爷仍把马来西亚当做以前的马来亚,每次K去见他时他都问K的名字是什么。Their charade reminded K. of her grandfather, who still talked about Malaysia as if it were Malaya, who asked her name every time she visited.

并通过在奥拓轿车后悬架簧、夏利轿车前悬架簧及NJ6400轿车板簧上的应用试验加以说明。It is described by application tests of rear suspension springs Alto cars, front suspension springs in Charade cars and Leaf springs in NJ6400 cars.