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匪患成为贵州一个严重的社会问题。The banditry had became a serious social problem in Guizhou.

农民开始有怨言,进而落草为寇。He began to grumble. From grumbling, he passed into banditry.

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自古边关多匪患,骚动年代更空前。Since ancient times, many colorful banditry commotions more unprecedented.

他们自己在那里努力禁牌赌,清盗匪。They themselves are energetically prohibiting gambling and suppressing banditry.

什么盗匪,在农会势盛地方,连影子都不见了。Wherever the peasant associations are powerful, there is not a trace of banditry.

但代价是使那些地区成为没有法律的地方,在那里土匪和非法毒品生产十分普遍。But the price has been lawless zones where banditry and illegal-drug production are rife.

广西“匪患”对于金田起事的影响并非学术界从前认为的那样有利。Evil of banditry in Guangxi was not so conducive to Jintian Rise as it was thought to be.

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当地有这样一个对联原来来土匪在深山,现在土匪在城管。Such a couplet a local bandits in the mountains to the original, now banditry in urban management.

一个地方盗匪猖獗,百姓受气,治安状况到了如此糟糕的地步,却无人理会。A local banditry , be bullied people, the security situation so bad to the point where, no one care about.

本世纪初,又屡遭不良洋人盗劫破坏,雪上加霜,面目全非。The beginning of this century, and repeated bad foreigners banditry destruction, worse, beyond recognition.

接著在2004年夏天,他以盗匪日益猖獗、国家纷乱为由,派内政部部队进入南奥塞梯亚。Then, in the summer of 2004, citing growing banditry and chaos, he sent Interior Ministry troops into South Ossetia.

民国时期东北地价变动产生了复杂的影响,如土地向不在地主手中集中、地力普遍下降、农民生活日益贫困化和匪患严重等。The fluctuation had great on the peasants' lives, which resulted in the d1ine of land capacity, poverty and the evil of banditry.

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原来老人钻进了空树洞,等土匪走后他当天就回到夹皮沟村,此处就是他的家。That the elderly get air tree holes, such as banditry on the same day he left to return to folder Paper Village, here is his home.

当年侦察英雄杨子荣带领侦察员孙达德在此了解土匪活动规律的重要场所。Then reconnaissance hero Yang Zirong lead Zhencha Yuan Sun Dade banditry activities in this understanding of the important places.

更可身临其境感受到土匪的生活模式,想象出当时杨子荣等人活捉“座山雕”、剿灭匪窝的场景。More immersive feel the life of banditry , imagine Yang Zirong, who was captured, "Zuo Shandiao, " Gangs of Waterloo Jiaomie the scene.

民间武器的大量存在使广东的盗匪问题更加严重,使地方社会进一步武力化。The existence of large quantities of private weapons worsened the problems of banditry and violence in Guangdong, militarizing local society.

而且这可能鼓舞了总理马利基下令袭击萨德尔的部队,萨德尔部队中很多人从事盗贼和走私活动。And it may have emboldened Prime Minister Maliki to order the attack on Mr. Sadr's forces, many of whom had resorted to banditry and smuggling.

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就目前说,土匪为患还很严重,封建势力原封未动,征粮收税任务的完成都还差得很远。Banditry is still rampant, the feudal forces remain intact, and we still have a long way to go to fulfil the quotas for public grain and taxes.

罗内尔-费雷尔说,这个地区不仅饱受爆炸之类行径的困扰,并且还有反叛分子内斗,土匪以及犯罪等问题。Coronel-Ferrer says the region is not only plagued by acts like bombings but also by infighting among the rebels, banditry and crime in general.

由于民初“匪患”的社会根源并未消除,加土倪嗣冲军队军纪较差,百姓怨声载道,匪患问题并不能从根本上解决。But the banditry problem can not be solved fundamentally as the social causes were not eliminated, together with the military discipline was poor.