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我厌恶被人卑屈地迎候I hate the touch of servile hands

同着数不尽的奴隶的凄苦。Along with innumerable servile miseries.

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安提戈涅挑战他的奴役幸福。Antigone challenges his servile happiness.

不过,要注意的是不要表现得卑躬屈膝。However, be careful to not appear servile.

如果你不热爱自由,他们便会充满奴性。If you do not love freedom, they will be servile.

我做一些诸如擦地板和侍弄牲口的佣人工作。I do some servile tasks such as floor scrubbing and barn work.

他奉承雇主的那副卑屈的嘴脸令我恶心。His servile expression of praise for his employer was disgusting to me.

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一张纸烧起时,又是谁那么奴性和虚伪地舞蹈?When a piece of paper Shaoqi, who is so servile and hypocritical to dance?

你最不能容忍的缺点是什么?----奴颜婢膝。What weakness is it that you can never tolerate?---Sycophancy and servile flattery.

抛下所有奴性偏见的恐惧,在那里微弱的心灵奴婢般地蜷缩著。Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched.

谄媚也可造成协调,但这种协调是借奴性的无耻的罪过或欺骗所造成。——斯宾诺莎。Flattery can also cause coordination, but this coordination is servile shameless sin or deception.

他们富于浪漫色彩的经历足以抵消他们奴隶出身的种种粗俗。Their history presented enough romantic circumstances to rob their servile origin of its grosser aspects.

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孤独者是高尚的,不会随波逐流,不会奴颜婢膝地去媚势。The standing alone is classic, will not trend blindly, will not go to power obsequious servile behaviorly.

朋友早有心理准备,依然表情自然,不卑不亢。The friend had the psychological preparation early, so still expression nature, neither arrogant nor servile.

我认为,蒋管区的教育是为范介石训练奴才的工具。In Chiang Kai-shek's areas, I found that education was used as a tool to forge servile followers for Chiang Kai-shek.

在谈判桌前,他慷慨陈词,不卑不亢地表述了我方观点。In front of the negotiation table, his impassioned speech demonstrated our points in a way neither servile nor overbearing.

俄罗斯今天被克格勃的精英所统治,他们高唱着苏维埃的赞美诗,腐败的法庭和执行三局两胜制的议会。Russia today is ruled by the KGB elite, has a Soviet anthem, servile media, corrupt courts and a rubber-stamping parliament.

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每天零点将至,各位玩家手握鼠标,准备开始激烈的“奴隶”买卖。Will come at 0 o'clock everyday, each player hand grasps a mouse, preparation begins intense " servile " buying and selling.

再怎么说我也是一七尺男儿,为了获得好感,向一女流之辈卑躬屈膝算什么事,尽失男人尊严。Moreover, I am a virile man, I can't behave in a servile way to the woman for obtaining favor, thus I will lose my self-respect.

法西斯主义统治下的资本家们仅做一个守法的良民是不够的,他们还必须屈从于国家的代表们。The capitalist under fascism has to be not merely a law-abiding citizen, he must be servile to the representatives of the State.