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这就是我生活的缩影。Epitome of my life.

夏天的缩影。The epitome of summer.

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人是世界的缩影。Man is the world's epitome.

仿佛那是一生的缩影。As 'twere all life's epitome.

这也可以说是她的爱情、婚姻模式的缩影。It is also Austens epitome of love.

这类女人是优雅的象征。These women are the epitome of grace.

苹果现在是主流的缩影。Apple is now the epitome of mainstream.

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东南亚是世界的一个缩影,从它可窥知世界的全貌。Southern-eastern Asia is a epitome of the world.

原子独自旋转,典型的单一性缩影。The Atom whirls alone, the epitome of singleness.

蛇王Plissken是坏男孩“英雄的”的一个象征。Snake Plissken is the epitome of a bad boy “hero.”

“雷朋”眼镜都是高级时装的缩影。Ray-Ban eyeglasses are the epitome of high fashion.

绪论是一门课的开端,也是一门课的缩影。Introduction is the beginning and epitome of a subject.

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这些都是几中友好合作象征的缩影。All these are epitome of bilateral friendly cooperation.

想,我喜欢猫。它们是独善其身的典范。I would. I love cats. They're the epitome of indifference.

在这个充满机会的土地上,这种形式其实是生存方式的缩影。In this land of opportunity, it's the epitome of surviving.

夜市是开封人生活的一个缩影。The night market is a epitome of local people's life style.

滨水景观是城市百态的缩影。Waterfront landscape is epitome of all kinds of social life.

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婚礼蛋糕被认为是面包师技艺的凝华所在。The wedding cake is regarded as the epitome of the baker's art.

富裕的盛泽人只是长三角中等收入群体的一个缩影。Shengze is only an epitome of middle class in Yangtze Delta Area.

在某些方面他是一个典型,愤世嫉俗的亲奴分子He was in some ways the epitome of the kind of cynical pro-slavery.