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我会帮你打一针止痛针。I'll give you a shot of a painkiller.

哦,你现在应该吃片止痛片。Well. You should take a painkiller now.

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昨晚吃了粒“芬必得”才得有一夜好觉。Last night I took a painkiller so I had a good sleep.

这个简单的止痛药有许多明确的益处。This simple painkiller has many well established benefits.

如果服用止痛药种类超过一种的话,风险则会增加16倍。Taking more than one type of painkiller increased the risk 16-fold.

没有警告一声关于止痛药V的危害。Merck failed to warn doctors about the risks of its painkiller Vioxx.

其中有些人经常来,而最常开的药方则是止痛药。Some of them come in quite frequently, and the most prescribed drug is the painkiller.

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一项新的研究表明,镇痛药吗啡有助于预防因艾滋病导致的痴呆症。The painkiller morphine may help protect against HIV-associated dementia, says a new study.

阵痛一发生就赶紧吃一粒消炎止痛药,帮助小腹的收缩停下来。Take an anti-inflammatory painkiller at the first twinge of cramping to stop the contractions.

黛博拉感到了惊慌于是便打电话给医生,医生诊断他患了流感于是为他开了治头疼的止痛药。Alarmed, Deborah called their doctor, who diagnosed flu and prescribed a painkiller for the headache.

这并没有起作用,第二天她看了医生,医生给她开了抗生素和止痛药。That didn't work, so the next day she saw a doctor, who started her on an antibiotic and a painkiller.

威尔伯说,开始的时候,医生诊断她是食物中毒,给她开了些止痛药后让她回家。At first, doctors sent her home, Ms. Wellborn said, with a painkiller and a diagnosis of food poisoning.

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在美国进行的这项研究中的发现为这种廉价止痛药的功能提供了最有力的证据。The findings of the U.S. study provide the most compelling evidence yet of the power of the cheap painkiller.

但在科学家告知受试者止痛药正被输入他们体内后,疼痛指数下跌至39。But when the scientists told them they had started administering the painkiller the score dropped again to 39.

为对付这种疼痛,最容易的选择就是非处方止痛药,例如阿司匹林或退热净。To deal with the pain, your easiest option is an over-the-counter painkiller such as aspirin or acetaminophen.

在这段时间使用任何一种止痛药将使得宝宝的风险增加1倍。The use of any painkiller during the second trimester more than doubled the risk of the condition in a boy baby.

辉瑞公司分公司法玛西亚普强公司承认了滥用止痛药伐地考昔的罪名。A Pfizer division, Pharmacia & Upjohn, agreed to plead guilty to a criminal violation over the painkiller Bextra.

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Heck反应用于镇痛剂萘普生的制造,包含Aleve的药物以不同的品牌进行销售。The Heck reaction is used in the manufacturing of the painkiller naproxen, sold under various brand names including Aleve.

该厂的一种产品──止痛剂伟克适──经证明会增加极少数病人的凝血风险。One of their products-the painkiller Vioxx-was shown to increase the risk of blood clots in a very small number of patients.

随后在2004年,在研究显示默克公司的止痛药万络增加了心脏病发作和中风的危险性后,该药撤出了市场。Then in 2004, Merck withdrew its painkiller Vioxx after studies showed the pill increased the risk of heart attacks and strokes.