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弗雷德里克·米斯特尔码头处,建筑物的百叶窗和阳台。Shutters and balconies on building on Quai Frederic Mistral.

如果你想坐游艇巴士去那里旅游的话,到密特朗码头上岸。If you're traveling by Batobus, get off at the Louvre stop, quai Francois Mitterrand.

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当归亦具有温和的镇静效果,有助缓解紧张及压力。What's more, Dong Quai is a mild tranquilliser and helps relieve stress and pressure.

那是在巴黎的一个午夜,我们沿着凯道赛驶向我住的那条大街。It was midnight in Paris and we were rolling along the Quai d'Orsay toward the street where I live.

太子牌速溶当归红枣茶选用上等当归及红枣,经科学提炼精制而成。This instant tea contains concentrated extract of dong quai and red date which are believed to better support female body functions.

在格雷沃河沿对面,有些青年拿着短枪从一些妇女的屋里对外发射。Opposite the Quai de la Greve, young men armed with muskets installed themselves in the houses of some women for the purpose of firing.

有一次我看见几个元老院的元老打马拉盖河沿走过,披着紫红丝绒的斗篷,上面绣的是蜜蜂③,头上戴着亨利四世式的帽子。One day I saw the Senators cross the Quai Malplaquet in mantles of violet velvet sown with bees, with hats a la Henri IV. They were hideous.

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然而怀孕的女性以及正在服用“血样稀释剂”药物的患者,强烈建议避免服用含有当归的药物。However, pregnant women, as well as people taking “blood-thinning” drugs, are highly discouraged from using any products containing Dong Quai.

这钟自然丰胸片的一些最主要的成分中,除了胡芦巴和茴香,就是洋飞廉和当归。Some of the most common ingredients in these natural breast enhancement pills, aside from fenugreek and fennel, are Blessed Thistle and Dong Quai.

布隆利本土艺术博物馆将面向全世界的研究人员开放,博物馆将负责场地管理、保卫和保护文化遗产。The Musée du Quai Branly will be open to researchers from all over the world and will also carry out field operations to safeguard and preserve cultural heritage.

她当时住在则肋斯定河沿,在那条古老的小麝香街转角的地方,那条街已力所能及地把它的臭名声变为香气。She lived on the Quai des Celestins, at the corner of this ancient street of the Petit-Musc which afforded her the opportunity of changing her evil repute into good odor.

从酒店可以看到埃菲尔铁塔,并且只要10分钟你就可以到达了。同时,沿着路边人行道和花园溜达时,荣军院、军事学院、盖·布朗利博物馆都是很好的去处。The Eiffel tower itself is visible form the hotel and only 10 minutes away, while Invalides, Ecole Militaire and Quai Branly Museum are all pleasant strolls along walkways and gardens.

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据我所知,这幅画今天可能还挂在拉。柔那特码头附近一所破旧房子的客厅里,我估计现在可能值一千五百英镑了。For all I know, this picture may still adorn the parlour of the tumbledown little house somewhere near the Quai de la Joliette, and I suppose it could now be sold for fifteen hundred pounds.

很多政府、收藏家和组织都向博物馆表示支持,愿意出借他们收藏的伟大作品在卢浮画廊中暂时展出。Many governments, collections and institutions have shown their support for the Musée du Quai Branly by lending some of their masterpieces to be exhibited temporarily in the Louvre galleries.

的水平相应的码头奥斯特利茨,男子10米湾可从街上与其他海湾大约一点二五米较高,有利于储存和装卸材料的运输。On the level corresponding to the Quai Austerlitz, the 10m bay is accessible from the street with the other bays roughly 1.25m higher, facilitating the storing and loading of materials for transport.