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我应该把我的炉石定在哪里?Where should I set my Hearthstone ?

炉石传说最好的职业是?What is the best class in Hearthstone?

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父亲将一些乾材放到壁炉底石上。Father put some dry wood on the hearthstone.

急速炉石你的炉石的冷却时间减少15分钟。Hasty Hearth Reduces the cooldown on your Hearthstone by 15 minutes.

有什么方便的方法来回外域和主城之间?我的炉石应该设置在哪里?Any tips on going back and forth between Outlands and a Main City? Where should I set my Hearthstone?

当我对她说不要再档我的亮时,她就挪到炉边上去了。At a notice that I could do with her no longer intercepting my light, she removed to the hearthstone.

炉石玩家群体经常把“所有玩家用的所有卡组”称为游戏环境,更经常的,“最强的X个卡组”。The Hearthstone community uses it more frequently as "all decks that everyone is using" and often more specifically as the "the top X decks".

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我注意到一些玩家提到银行相隔太远,或者炉石不能使用时要跑很长路到银行。I noticed several comments from people saying banks were too far apart, or that a run to a bank might take too long if your hearthstone is unavailable.

小小忍者坚而贼,鹿特全部炉石回,队友尖叫呼倒霉,虔诚战士舍我谁!I'm a little ninja short and stout, I grab all the loot and hearthstone out. All the people on ventrillo scream and shout, I'm the warrior in full devout!

我们现在要公布的唯一一个新雕文就是圣盾术雕文,它可以在圣盾术激活的时候降低炉石的施法时间。A. The only new glyph we are ready to announce right now is the Glyph of Divine Shield, which reduces the cast time of your Hearthstone whenever Divine Shield is active.