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夜莺!我听见你歌唱。Nightingale! I hear your fluting.

我听到一只红鹤在我耳边清脆地叫着。I hear a flamingo fluting in my ear.

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奴隶们正在庙宇的柱子上刻凹槽。The slaves were fluting the pillars of the temples.

但我想问下你是在做瑜珈还是吹笛子呢?But i wonder were you doing Yoga with Hanfu or fluting ?

由于锁紧销和扳手槽的等距分布,平衡性好。Keeps a good balance thanks to the equal interval fluting of lock pin and hook spanner.

刀具螺旋槽磨削已成为通用的成型方法,需要通用的数控加工程序。Grinding is an extensively used method for tool fluting. A general-purpose NC software for its machining is imperative.

但她的微笑却是神秘的,神秘得仿佛静夜里从远方传来的笛声飘飘缈缈令人永远无法捉摸。But her smile is mysterious, as mysterious as the fluting from the depth of peaceful night, dimly discernible and capricious for ever.

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在刺耳的一国语言中,他听到前方某处正上演着古怪的音乐,由鼓点伴奏的高音长笛。Under the cacophony of foreign tongues, he heard queer music playing from somewhere up ahead, a thin high fluting accompanied by drums.

其它瓦楞原纸,未涂布,卷筒或平版,其加工或处理程度不超过本章注三所述者。Other uncoated fluting paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, not further worked or processed than as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter.

草制瓦楞原纸,未涂布,卷筒或平版,其加工或处理程度不超过本章注三所述者。Uncoated straw fluting paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, not further worked or processed than as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter.

半化学瓦楞原纸,未涂布,卷筒或平版,其加工或处理程度不超过本章注三所述者。Uncoated semi-chemical fluting paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, not further worked or processed than as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter.

介绍了高效改性AKD乳液用于抄造高强瓦楞原纸的生产实践,并对其结果进行了讨论。The paper introduces the application of a highly effective modified AKD emulsion in the production of fluting base paper and discusses the application of the emulsion.

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根据钛合金曲面数控铣削加工特点,利用正交试验法优化钛合金曲面开槽用球头立铣刀的几何参数。Based on the features of NC milling on Ti alloy curved faces, the geometric parameters of ball end mills for fluting on Ti alloy curved faces are optimized by using orthogonal test method.

本文在分析传统的印刷开槽机切割系统存在的问题基础上,针对其存在的问题提出了一种基于运动控制的精确切割系统的设计方案,并给出了相应的软硬件实现方法。This paper analyses problems of the traditional printing and fluting machine cutting system, and puts forward a new solution based on motion controller. Both the hardware and software are designed.