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巴西队后来2-1获胜。Brazil went on to win 2-1.

中国队和巴西队打成平局。China drew against Brazil.

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我在巴西教英语。I teach English in Brazil.

巴西队的6号队员发球发得很好。No. 6 of Brazil served well.

巴西队最终以25-14拿下比赛。Brazil took the set at 25-14.

吉赛尔在巴西是一个传奇。Gisele is a legend in Brazil.

巴西每年都有嘉年华会。Brazil has a carnival every year.

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奥巴马热蔓延到巴西了。Obama-mania has spread to Brazil.


他们大老远的从巴西来。They came all the way from Brazil.

这是巴西圣保罗的交通堵塞。A traffic jam in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

巴西有很多剩余咖啡。Brazil has a big surplus of coffee.

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咖啡是巴西的主要输出品。Coffee is a major export of Brazil.

巴西和巴拉圭的图皮人的语言。Tupi people of Brazil and Paraguay.

你愿意去巴黎还是巴西?Would you choose Paris over Brazil?

这是一张巴西的维基犯罪地图。It's a Wiki Map for crime in Brazil.

巴西vs.Brazil vs. Portugal, June 25, 10 a.m.

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我最喜欢的世足赛队伍是巴西队。My favorite World Cup team is Brazil.

这个骨瘦如柴的男孩就是巴西。The skinny boy is, of course, Brazil.

他们是我们所知的巴西街童。They are known as Brazil street kids.