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长期而言,中国终将会脱离重商主义。Over time, China will move away from mercantilism.

金融重商主义的危害也许有点危言耸听。The threat of financial mercantilism can be overstated.

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更切近点说,这看起来更像重商主义。At closer range, it more closely resembles mercantilism.

商办民用企业思想浓重。Mercantilism thought in the civil enterprise was strong.

商业主义既帮助又伤害美洲殖民地。Mercantilism both helped and hurt the American colonists.

在这种重商主义面前,美国有权保护自己。The US is entitled to protect itself against such mercantilism.

重商主义时期是资本主义生产计划性的发轫期。Mercantilism period is sex of capitalist production plan set sth afoot period.

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最简单而明了的回答是商业主义的发展。The simplest and most obvious answer is the growth of mercantilism in the high middle ages.

这种我们称之为“市场经济主义”的贸易形式在16、17世纪是很常见的。This from of international trade, called mercantilism , was commonplace in the 16th and 17th centuries.

实质上,以消除贸易逆差为目标,实施贸易保护主义,才是真正的“新重商主义”。In effect , it is a "new mercantilism" to attempt to clear up trade deficits and exercise trade protectionism.

这里帮你纠正一下,绝大多数的经济学者已经意识到重商主义对扩大经济规模和经济成长不起任何作用。Please correct. The vast majority of economists realize that mercantilism NEVER worked to expand and grow an economy.

中国的新重商主义思想的状态一直非常成功正是因为它无视国际准则。China's new ideology of state mercantilism has been wildly successful precisely because it flouts international norms.

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而中国已经开始重视出口,原因可能在于凯恩斯对重商主义的分析。Yet China had already begun to emphasize exporting. The reason may lie in John Maynard Keynes's analysis of mercantilism.

要评估中国对美元前景的担心是否合理,需要对中国领导人选择的重商主义发展战略做一个得失分析。To assess whether China's fears are justified requires a benefit-cost analysis of the mercantilism as employed by Chinese leaders.

纵贯上述原因,尽管从长远看,中国会摒弃重商主义,但其可能会循序渐进地达到这一目标。For all these reasons, while China is likely to abandon mercantilism in the long run, it probably is sensible for it to do so gradually.

俄罗斯加入世贸组织非常重要,因为这一成员资格将使得能源驱动下的重商主义更难以再次抬头。Russia’s ascension to the WTO is particularly important, since membership would make a reversion to energy-driven mercantilism more difficult.

从光荣革命到北美独立战争是英国历史上的第一帝国时期,第一帝国的特点是重商主义。Characterized by mercantilism , the First Empire in British history started from the Glory Revolution to the North American War of Independence.

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目前美国面临的危险是,发展中国家可能会转而遵循中国的政府掌控模式以及有管理的重商主义。The danger now is that developing nations could turn instead to the Chinese model of government, with managed mercantilism as the favored approach.

根本问题是,中国重商主义已经成为一个日益严重的问题,而贸易冲突中这种重商主义的受害者并不会有多大损失。The bottom line is that Chinese mercantilism is a growing problem, and the victims of that mercantilism have little to lose from a trade confrontation.

更重要的是,这些使中国重商主义现在具有如此破坏性的力量,同时意味着中国的财政杠杆上作用很小的,或者根本没有作用。The larger point is that the same forces that make Chinese mercantilism so damaging right now also mean that China has little or no financial leverage.