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那作家有创作的才能。The writer has fictive talent.

再设想一组情景。Consider another fictive scenario.

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文学意识到自己是虚构的。Literature knows itself to be fictive.

最低限价或武断、虚构的价格。The lowest fixed price, or arbitrary or fictive prices.

安娜和马克斯是一对富有创造力的年轻情侣,他们住在一起。Anna and Max are a teen fictive pair experience together.

但是,宗教的出现,乃是作为创造虚构世界的那种能力的一个人工产物。But it arises as an artefact of the ability to build fictive worlds.

用虚拟的地址邮寄明信片,最终退回到自己手中。Mail a post card to a fictive address, it end up to go back to the sender.

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概念整合理论也能较好的解释虚拟运动的功能。Conceptual blending theory also offers a good account of the function of fictive motion.

她所幻想的世界与报纸上所反映的竟是如此惊人的类似。Her fictive world remains strikingly akin to that real one reflected in the daily newspapers.

另外,对虚拟运动作用的研究也没有继续深化。Furthermore, little effort has been devoted to the investigation of the function of fictive motion.

在文本游戏中,虚构与想象在相互作用中展开自身。In the text of game, the fictive and the imaginary develop themselves in the process of their interaction.

另一方面,互文又使得历史性因素与虚构性因素溶合在一起。On the other hand, intertextuality plays a key role in mixing historical elements and fictive elements together.

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彼得的形象是直接从中借鉴而来的,在这首诗虚构的伪饰中显得格外犀利。The character of Peter brought directly out of the New Testament is really slicing through the poem's fictive veneer.

有人认为他创造了一个虚构的名字,以吸引那些信仰上帝,受上帝垂爱的读者。Some people have said he's making up a name that's sort of a fictive name for any God loving or beloved by God reader.

虚拟运动,也就是以运动描写静止状态这种语言现象,引起了很多语言学家的注意。Fictive motion, the phenomenon of depicting static scenes in terms of real motion, has attracted attention from many linguists.

作者认为,虚拟运动的功能是在完善和扩展整合空间的过程中产生的,同时概念转喻也起着重要作用。It is claimed that the function of fictive motion arises in the running of the blended space, with the help of conceptual metonymy.

第五章是中心部分,从概念整合理论的视角分析了虚拟运动的理解过程。As the main body of the thesis, Chapter Five analyses the processing of fictive motion from the viewpoint of conceptual blending theory.

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拟亲属关系是亲属关系的人为扩展形式,其在壮族社会中也普遍存在,尤其以“结老同”现象最为典型。As a man-made expanded form of kinship, the fictive kinship is widespread in Zhuang society with "making Laotong" being its typical relation.

文中将证明“虚力”是管柱在弯曲状态下的流体作用力,并对其特点进行分析,以便为封隔器管柱受力分析计算奠定严密的科学基础。Fictive force will be proved to be the liquid force under bending state of pipe string in the paper, and its characteristic will be analysed.

在整合空间中,通过组合、完善和扩展三种操作,产生了虚拟运动的突生结构。In the blended space, through the operations of composition, completion and elaboration, it develops the emergent structure of fictive motion.