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目前已经通过3C认证。Has passed 3C certification.

什么是代销商认证?What is Affiliate Certification?

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在中国境内办理的认证书将被视为无效。Any certification done in China is invalid.

每通过一门考试都会使您获得另一个认证。Each one you pass gives you another certification.

这是领先的INFOSEC管理认证。It is the leading INFOSEC management certification.

公司产品是否有相关的安规认证?。Do The company's products have safety certification?

国家有机项目来认可有机认证项目。The NOP accredits the organic certification programs.

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同时也阐明了家蚕品种鉴定工作的重要性。And it is important of silkworm variety certification.

通常需要汽车玻璃行业认证。Auto glass industry certification is usually required.

这种证书将帮助他们得到晋升。This certification will aid them in their advancement.

它是目前最受欢迎的入门级认证。It is by far the most popular entry level certification.

2000年顺利通过ISO90001质量体系认证。In 2000 passed the ISO90001 quality system certification.

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白沙集团是十目的客户。Baisha Group is the client of MOWOM Certification Limited.

需当前加拿大运输部第1类医生证明。Current Transport Canada Category 1 medical certification.

需要有第二或第三方认证吗?Is there a need for second- and third-party certification?

因此,这个学习的过程才是认证所要保证的。It is that learning that a certification should vouch for.

拥有或能够考取有效救生员证者最佳。Possess or able to obtain a valid lifeguard certification.

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公司也能获得防爆认证。The company can also obtain blast-resistant certification.

CQC是中国最大的认证机构,是独立运营的第三方认证机构。CQC is the largest third-party certification body in China.

那人名字后面的资格名衔没有任何意义。Certification letters after the person's name mean nothing.