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或许还有更多无法解释的现象存在。Or perhaps there is something more ineffable at work.

销售行业与我,有着不可言喻的神秘魅力。Marketing industry and I have a mysterious ineffable charm.

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美塞苔丝带着一种难以形容的神情抬头望天。Mercds turned her eyes with an ineffable look towards heaven.

为什么我身上老是莫名其秒起红斑?Why on my body often ineffable the erythema since its second?

在这种神秘当中,隐藏着世界不可磨灭的向善力量。In that mystery lurks the world’s ineffable potential for good.

日语文字把烟火称为花火,真是有一种说不出的贴切。Japanese text of firework called love, is really an ineffable apt.

“别逗了,至少你们还有那种不可言说的慈悲,”克鲁利酸溜溜地说。"Come off it. Your lot get ineffable mercy, " said Crowley sourly.

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那种光却是柔和的,涵容在一种无可言喻的半明半暗的光里。It remained, however, gentle and veiled in an ineffable half-light.

人为什么总是莫名的悲伤、莫名的心烦?Factitious what is always ineffable sadness, ineffable be perturbed?

那是两颗童贞的心在理想境界中的无可名状的初次燃烧。It was the ineffable first embrace of two maiden souls in the ideal.

你得到的将是畅饮为祂殉道的莫名欢乐之杯。Yours will be the ineffable joy of quaffing the cup of martyrdom for His sake.

我的小小的心,消融在无边快乐之中,发出不可言说的词调。My little heart loses its limits in joy and gives birth to utterance ineffable.

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无量寿佛,寿命长久,不可称计。The Buddha of Eternal Life has a long lasting, immeasurable, ineffable lifespan.

柯洛兰尽力帮助籍里柯用平实的语言来表达这种难以言传的美。Crosland does her best to help de Chirico to express the ineffable in plain language.

几乎所有作家都谈到,写作的最大愉悦感在于写作中不可言喻的发现之旅。Nearly all, too, say the chief delight of writing is the ineffable process of discovery.

凯特琳不可理喻地耸耸了肩,眼睛几乎闭上地摇着头。Caitlin gives an ineffable shrug of her shoulder and shakes her head with her eyes almost closed.

阿诺德·汤因比称,在神秘的宇宙中,人类总试图表达他们无法表达的东西。In a mysterious universe, says Arnold Toynbee, man tries to express what they can of the ineffable.

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而有时心中便会有一种莫名伤感的情绪,对人生充满了感叹。Sometimes, however, an ineffable melancholy springs up from inside, and I meditate a lot about life.

他的脸上泛着同样亲切的表情,他们的表情中仿佛都呈现出一种不可言喻的微笑。He has the same sweetness of look, as though upon each countenance an ineffable smile were just dawning.

他的脸上浮着同样甜美的神情,好像所有的表情中都呈现出一种不可言喻的微笑。He has the same sweetness of look, as thought upon each countenance an ineffable smile were just dawning.