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该盘不适合做系统盘。Disk unsuitable for system disk.

这使得它不适宜作电脑的内存。That makes it unsuitable for computer memories.

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这个主持人是不适合这样一个复杂的辩论。This compere is unsuitable for such a complex debate.

你试图用一个不恰当的图标去展示你的整个概念。You try and squish your concept into an unsuitable diagram type.

一些安居工程也因为位置不当使得申请者望而却步。The unsuitable location of some projects keeps applicants at bay.

海洋污染使海鲜中毒,从而不适合食用。Sea pollution poisons the seafood which becomes unsuitable for eating.

因为当前的稻株原型还并不适合农业生产。The current prototypes are unsuitable for agricultural production yet.

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这种器皿中看不中用。This ware is suitable for decorative purpose but unsuitable for utility.

加入缓冲档板或方形容器并不适用于搅拌。Beakers with baffles and square containers are unsuitable for the mixing.

如果他和不适合他去结交的人来往,他的主教就会进行干涉。If he consorts with persons unsuitable to him, his bishop will interfere.

因此,娶这样一个女人,并没有什么不妥之处。In his marrying such a woman therefore there would be nothing unsuitable.

一个球杆样的武器听起来对杀手可不适合。A club-type weapon sounds like a rather unsuitable weapon for an assassin.

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野生物贸易研究委员会表示,像这样的豢养虎并不适合野放。Such farmed tigers are unsuitable for reintroduction into the wild, TRAFFIC says.

含钡硫铝酸盐水泥不应与石膏混合使用。It is unsuitable for using Ba-bearing sulphoaluminate cement together with gypsum.

菌渣不适合作圣地紫罗兰油菜的栽培基质。Fungus dreg is unsuitable to be the culture medium of the Holy Land violet of rape.

而男性激素削减脂肪构建肌肉,所以不适用于牲畜催膘。Male hormones reduce fat and build muscle so they're unsuitable for animal fattening.

但其设计则受限于咬合及支台齿位置不恰当的情形而无法适用。Its limitations include occlusal factors, and the presence of unsuitable abutment teeth.

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挖掘现场环境恶劣,操作人员不宜在现场工作。Digging locale's environment is execrable , so it is unsuitable for operator's fieldwork.

经营越来越不适应现在的科技时代了。Extensive farming is becoming more and more unsuitable for the present technological era.

第三个问题,当前的气氛显然不适合举行这样的会晤。On your third question, obviously, the current atmosphere is unsuitable for such a meeting.