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它们是不可区分的。Indistinguishable ways.

他们是全同的和不可区分的。They are identical and indistinguishable.

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在最初,两个单体相连组成一个二聚体。So the two ends of the tetramer are indistinguishable.

对许多人来说传统与保守没有区别。To many people conventionality is indistinguishable from conservatism.

任何非常先进的技术,初看都与魔法无异。III. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

深度阅读,正如玛丽安娜·沃尔夫所说,与深度思考密不可分。Deep reading, as Maryanne Wolf argues, is indistinguishable from deep thinking.

当克劳代特人“休息”时,与一般的佐兰人是没有区别的。When they are at "rest, " a Clawdite is indistinguishable from a regular Zolander.

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CIDT和肉体上的酷刑对心理的重创几乎相同。The psychological impact of CIDT and physical torture was almost indistinguishable.

现在的所谓美丽与性感往往交织在一起,很难辨别。Beauty and sexuality have become so completely intertwined as to be indistinguishable.

该信号与饱餐后传递至大脑的信号相似。It's indistinguishable from the signal the brain propagates after eating a large meal.

我的圣诞礼物大而笨重,草率的包装让它几乎难以辨认。My Christmas present was huge and heavy, indistinguishable under the slap-dash wrapping.

从远处看这些人造花和真的花简直难以区分。From a distance these artificial flowers are practically indistinguishable from real ones.

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复杂的囊肿可能难以与颅咽管瘤和垂体腺瘤鉴别。More complex cysts may be indistinguishable from a craniopharyngioma or pituitary adenoma.

这正是自恋狂和受虐狂正变得无法区分的众多原因之一。This is one of the many points at which narcissism becomes indistinguishable from masochism.

虽然由不同病毒引起,但是这两种疾病在临床上几乎难以区分。Though caused by different viruses, the two diseases are clinically almost indistinguishable.

在这些液体中的应用。可溶性纤维能与事物本身溶为一体。In these liquid applications, the soluble fiber becomes indistinguishable from the food itself.

这是因为对象的泄漏数据结构和有效对象缓存通常不好区别。This is because leaking data structures and valid caches of objects are often indistinguishable.

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只有当这个对象与人之间几乎不可分辨的时候,友好度才会再次增加。Only when the object becomes almost indistinguishable from a human does shinwakan increase again.

如果未采用安全措施,那么将难以区分虚假的和真实的消息。If no security measures are in place, fake messages would be indistinguishable from real messages.

因此,这种偶然产生的疼痛可能与椎间盘突出导致的疼痛相混淆。Thus, FJ pain may occasionally produce a pain referral pattern indistinguishable from disc herniation.