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梦幻般美好的期待总是会被现实打败。Reality always trumps dreamy expectations.

一切都如此美丽,如此平静,如此空灵。It's all so beautiful, so peaceful, so dreamy.

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就职业而言,他是个考古学家,和一个多梦的诗人。He was an archeologist by trade, a dreamy poet.

我被他的脚步声从梦想中唤醒。I was roused from dreamy thoughts by his footfall.

过去的梦游似的迷迷糊糊和优柔寡断早已不在。He had lost all that dreamy vagueness and indecision.

在一个梦幻的下午休息时间的城市巡行。Circumambulate the city of a dreamy sabbath afternoon.

梦想成空的夜晚犹有静谧的欢乐。The pleasure of quietness out of helpless dreamy night.

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但困不住我们梦想的心。But, it 's never active in imprisoning our dreamy souls.

那边山脉笼罩在朦胧紫雾中。The mountains beyond are veiled in a dreamy purple haze.

我们在一个如梦的安息日下午,去城里兜了一圈。We circumambulated the city on a dreamy sabbath afternoon.

那意味着如梦如幻的长久凝视,在耳边甜言蜜语。Which means long dreamy stares, whispering sweet nothings.

一个眉目纤秀、令人喜爱的少女在看着我。A young woman of delicate, dreamy features looked up at me.

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三毛生活在一个对常人来说如同梦境的世界里。Sanmao lives in a dreamy world as compared to common people.

他的眼睛里呈现着一种奇特的、不协调的恍惚神情。His eyes have taken on a strange, incongruous dreamy quality.

另一位则是个苗条的金发女孩,她的眼神飘渺而幽远。The other was an ethereal blonde, her gaze dreamy and distant.

这些听上去像是小说中超现实主义的梦幻之境。These all sound like surrealistic, dreamy scenes from fiction.

这些写于35年前的话当时听上去或许就像是痴人说梦。Those words, written 35 years ago may have seemed dreamy then.

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我正在存钱,为了去我梦想中的乡村旅行。I am saving my money for my traveling to my dreamy countryside.

好一幅美丽的图画——文静、朦胧、幽美。It was a beautiful picture-very soft, and dreamy and beautiful.

他看上去心不在焉,神情恍惚。A dreamy , faraway and yet inward look would come over his face.