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打鼾者的国家?Nation of Snorers?

我们是一个国家。We are one nation.

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一个充满抱怨者的国家?A nation of whiners?

我们是一个贸易型的国家。We are a trading nation.

商业使一国富足。Commerce enriches a nation.

一个国家不能闭关自守。A nation can't live isolated.

感谢一个全是告密者的国度。Thanks for a nation of finks.

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什么才是中华民族的魂?What is the soul of a nation?

是的,我们能治愈这个国家!Yes we can heal this nation.

但是,我们生活在一个快餐文化的国度。But we are a fast food nation.

但是,我们国家仍处在战争中。Still, we are a nation at war.

今天,没有一个国家是一个孤岛。Today, no nation is an island.

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为了她的民族和同胞。For her nation and compatriots.

凡里是一个与世隔绝的国家。Vori is an isolationist nation.

正义使国家兴盛。Righteousness exalteth a nation.

我们已经变成一个充斥软脚虾的国家。We've become a nation of wussies.

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哪国国家是富于幻想的?What nation is a fanciful nation?

埃及是一个食用面包的国家。Egypt is a nation of bread eaters.

保护边境,捍卫国家!Protect border. Uphold the Nation.