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而雄性环尾狐猴几乎是漠不关心。Ring-tailed lemur males could care less.

马达加斯加的环尾狐猴在野外。Madagascar's ring-tailed lemur in the wild.

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跳跃而行的狐猴在一片石尖上休息。The leaping lemur comes to rest on a splinter of stone.

狐猴是一种有着长尾巴和大眼睛的类猴动物。A lemur is a monkey-like animal with a long tail and large eyes.

摆弄双面实验用器材的狐猴。A lemur manipulates the device used in the two-action experiment.

想观看飞行狐猴的夜间行为吗?Want observations describing the nocturnal behavior of the flying lemur?

Jake尽力跟着如同狐猴般跳跃的Neytiri,顺着树干中心的螺旋向上攀爬。Jake tries to keep up with Neytiri as she leaps up the core trunk like a lemur.

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东京上野动物园的环尾狐猴笼舍内,一只小环尾狐猴宝宝正甜甜地依偎在妈妈的身上。A baby ring-tailed lemur cuddles with its mother in their enclosure at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo.

打个比方,你或许还能目睹这只美妙的狐猴在丛林间跳跃穿梭,”冈顿说道。For example, you might see this wonderful lemur leaping through the forest, " Gunton said."

这种小鬼似的动物叫指猴,它是狐猴的一种,生活在马达加斯加岛。This gremlin-like creature is an Aye-Aye—a type of lemur normally found only in Madagascar.

照片里位于新加坡动物园才两周大的环尾狐猴紧紧的贴在妈妈的身上。In this photo, a two-week-old ring-tailed lemur clings on to its mother at the Singapore Zoo.

狐猴叶蛙的脚趾上有能吸附的圆垫,特化的适应森林中的生活。The lemur leaf frog is specially adapted for a life in the trees with adhesive pads on its toes.

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巨型狐猴与今天有着高超跳跃能力的维氏冕狐猴是近亲。Hadropithecus is related to the modern-day sifaka, a type of lemur with acrobatic leaping skills.

本文报道人工股骨头替代术治疗70例老年人股骨颈骨折。In this paper, 70 cases of lemur head prothesis displacement for senile femur head fracture were reported.

他们又训练另一只狐猴在另外四只狐猴面前使用推拉门拿吃食。They trained the same lemur to use the sliding door to get snacks and exposed four different lemurs to that scene.

哈林说,目前的计画包括研究狐猴的运动、颚力强度与指猴的觅食行为。Current projects, Haring says, include looking at lemur locomotion and jaw strength and at aye-aye foraging behavior.

去年5月份,费绍特博士及其同事报道他们也在厚尾狐猴上发现同样的化石病毒。Last May, Dr. Feschotte and his colleagues reported that they had found the same fossil virus in the fat-tailed lemur.

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大多数人永远不会在野外看到狐猴或者河马。但是,所有人都可以在动物园里看到此类来自异域的动物。Most people will never see a lemur or hippopotamus in the wild. But anyone can see exotic animals like these at a zoo.

旅行的整个经历就和我们来这里的第一个早上听到的猕猴叫声一样,远离尘世,空间错位。The whole experience, in fact, is a bit like that haunting lemur cry we heard our first morning, otherworldly and dislocating.

他们训练一只狐猴打开绞合门,让它四个同类在旁边观看它反复打开罐子来拿吃食。They trained one lemur to open the hinged door, then had four lemurs watch their comrade repeatedly open it and get snacks inside.