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第一,表达谢意。One, express gratitude.

他们坐上了直达快车。Ride the express train.

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每天都表达谢意。Express gratitude daily.

表达爱的最佳方式?How to express your love?

要普通车还是快车?Regular or express train?

下一班快车是什么时候?When is the next express?

请用限时专送寄这包裹。Please send it by express.

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这封信是限时专递的。This is an express letter.

表达清晰的期望。Express clear expectations.

快运说白了就一个字,快。Express it is a word, fast.

我可以完全的自我表达。I can express myself fully.

用快件把这封信寄出去。Send the letter by express.

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你有特快专递。You've got an express mail.

我们当然提供急件服务。We do offer express service.

我是否可以向你表达我无限的敬意“May I express thee unblam'd?"

他叫我搭乘特别快车。He told me to take an express.

它是一张美国限时兑现卡。It's an American Express Card.

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这个需要寄特快专递。I need this to go express mail.

快车忽闪而过。The express train flashed past.

那特别快车疾驰而过。The express train hurtled past.