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昨日签了一项三年的合约。We signed a triennial contract yesterday.

这些信息保存在25份三年一度的户册里。This information is preserved in 25 triennial registers.

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每三年一次的立法会议对所有扶轮社及地区活动都会造成影响。The triennial Council on Legislation affects all club and district activities.

三年─度会议。国际博协应每三年在全体大会常规会议之时召开全体会议。Section 1. Triennial Meeting. ICOM shall hold a General Conference every three years.

去兽医诊所主要是为了每年一次的身体检查和定期例行的接种疫苗和三年一次续期的许可证。Going to the vet is mainly for the yearly check-up and routine vaccinations and triennial licensing.

根据协议,农行提供三年期每年30亿元的综合授信额度。According to the agreement, the bank provided 30 billion annually triennial comprehensive credit lines.

冯博一说,这样的双年或三年展的艺术活动通常都是在北京、上海、广州这样的大城市举行。Usually, biennial or triennial events are held in big cities in China like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

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最近全球糖尿病社团聚集到了南非的开普敦,参加三年一次的世界糖尿病会议。The global diabetes community recently gathered in Cape Town, South Africa for its triennial World Diabetes Congress.

考差是清代对各省乡试正副主考官的选拔考试。The Exam for errands is a kind of examination to select the vice and main examiner of the triennial examination in every province.

在2008年到2009年间,年度检查报告和三年一次的检查报告的数量将不会发生变化,仍然为11份和295份。There is no change from 2008 to 2009 in the anticipated number of annual inspections and triennial inspections, 11 and 295, respectively.

根据三年一度BIS外汇市场。衍生产品调查的结果,本文揭示了全球外汇市场。系列最新的发展态势。Based on the latest triennial survey of BIS on forex market and derivatives, this paper reveals the trend of development in global forex market.

最后,本文也提供未来国际课程研究相关事件的讯息,其中包括每三年一次而首次将于上海华束师范大学举行之IAACS。Finally, there is information regarding future events, including the first triennial meeting of IAACS, to be held at East China Normal University in Shanghai.

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三年一届的世界石油大会可以称之为石油界的奥林匹克,今年的大会会议已在北京成功举办。The triennial World Petroleum Congress is widely known as the Olympics of the petroleum industry, and this year the Council Meeting was held in Beijing, China.

通过否定演习以及提问演习,2008广州三年展希望与所有艺术界同仁一起思考,共同想象本次展览的实现方式。Through the Exercise in Negation and the Questionnaire, the Triennial invites all colleagues in the art field to help imagine ways to realise the 2008 Triennial.

第一次五个地区的童军会议在同一年举行。现在在世界童军会议的前一年举行,为每三年举行一次。For the first time all five Regional Scout Conferences met in the same year and all will now meet on a triennial basis in the year preceding World Scout Conferences.

上个星期,美联储公布了最新的消费者财务调查报告,这是一份美国家庭资产负债的三年期报告。Last week the Federal Reserve released the results of the latest Survey of Consumer Finances, a triennial report on the assets and liabilities of American households.

每三年一次的立法会议对所有扶轮社及地区活动都会造成影响。以下的资料,指示地区及扶轮社在立法会议的前几年及立法会议期间的责任。The triennial Council on Legislation affects all club and district activities. The following information outlines district and club responsibilities in the years before and during the Council.