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特鲁姆普是个明星。Judd is a star.

贾德不想跟我们去泅水。Judd doesn't want to go swimming with us.

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我是“哈尔及哈迪食品公司”的哈维贾德。It’s Harvey Judd from Hale and Hearty here.

我和贾德差不多年纪的时候,也是疯狂地大胆击球进袋得分。I went for shots just as crazy when I was the same age as Judd.

将近半个世纪之前,唐纳·贾德为绘画发了讣告。Almost half a century ago, Donald Judd issued the obituary of painting.

说实话,我认为钢管舞对于奥林匹克来说太性感了,”Judd说。"To be honest, I think it is still too sexy for the Olympics," Judd said.

新罕布什尔州参议员贾德·格雷戈称他们已经解决完所有的问题。But New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg says they've "worked out everything".

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我爱的行动和喜欢参加托德飞利浦或贾德Apatow电影。I love to act and would love to be in a Todd Philips or Judd Apatow movie.

祝贺希金斯,钢铁般的意志。特鲁姆普是个明星。一届伟大的赛事。Well done John, steely under pressure. Judd is a star. A great tournament.

贾德.格雷格在2月12日撤销了奥巴马总统对其的商务部长提名。Judd Gregg withdrew his nomination for commerce secretary on February 12th.

雷尔的发言人贾德·伊佛哈特在星期五对该评价结果没有直接的反映。Rell spokesman Judd Everhart had no immediate reaction to the rating Friday.

为许多男性幻想和贾德•阿帕图的电影提供科学依据的研究终于新鲜出炉!Dude! Finally, research to explain many a male fantasy and Judd Apatow movie.

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我和贾德·特伦普的首轮比赛进行得非常艰难,所以我很高兴能拿下最终的胜利。I had a tough opener against Judd Trump so I was pleased to get through that.

许多明星,包括南米。捷德和金。贝辛格在内都曾深受焦虑的困扰。Many celebrities have suffered from anxiety, including Naomi Judd and Kim Basinger.

经过精挑细选,奥巴马提名共和党参议员贾德格雷格作为商务部部长。Obama nominated Republican Senator Judd Gregg to be his pick for commerce secretary.

世界排名第五的斯蒂芬·马圭尔同样以5-3击败贾德·特朗普,尽管后者以135分和102分的两杆予以还击。World number five Stephen Maguire also won 5-3 despite Judd Trump firing in breaks of 135 and 102.

贾德没有参与她母亲与姐姐薇诺娜的乡村音乐组合,尽管后者已取得了不同凡响的成功。Judd was not part of her mom and sister Wynona's country music group, which gained massive success.

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从女演员阿什莉·贾德到宇航员巴兹·奥尔德林,名人们纷纷透露他们与忧郁作斗争的事情。Celebrities from actress Ashley Judd to astronaut Buzz Aldrin have revealed their struggles with gloom.

到目前为止,最好的索具类,我曾经拍摄。贾德知道他的东西,无论在技术上和艺术。By far the best rigging class I have ever taken. Judd knows his stuff, both technically and artistically.

自1998年的阿什利.巨德“双重危险”,我从来没有见过一份如此忽略法律制度的篇章。I haven't seen a script with this level of ignorance about the legal system since 1998's Ashley Judd dud "Double Jeopardy.