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这确实是佛洛伊德的先知之明。This is certainly what Freud foresaw.

几乎没有人预见到苏联帝国的崩溃。Few people foresaw the collapse of the Soviet empire.

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他预测了6月13号德国大胜澳大利亚队。He foresaw the German trouncing of Australia on June 13.

没人会想到接下8年的连串震撼性事件。Nobody foresaw the seismic events of the next eight years.

他预见到了在其它土地上进行民主化的努力将遭受挫折。He foresaw frustration in this drive to democratize other lands.

伊丽莎白虽然预料到这种拜望不会有什么乐趣,可又没法推辞。Elizabeth could not refuse, though she foresaw little pleasure in the visit.

投资者预见到了一个能带来巨大回报的市场机会。Investors foresaw a market opportunity that would be explosively profitable.

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就象爱克西多所预言的那样,他已经过了这样长时间的超自然生活。And he had had a preternaturally long lifetime of it, just as Exedore foresaw.

巴格瑞特预示有一天计算机可以小到拿在手上。Bagrit foresaw a time when computers would be small enough to hold in the hand.

也有些学者曾经警告人们有房市泡沫,然而几乎没有人预料到这个灾难性的结果。Some warned of a housing bubble, but almost none foresaw the resulting cataclysm.

大臣庄辛预见到楚国会发生危险。Zhuang Xin, one of the ministers, foresaw that the country would soon be in danger.

智慧,这激动人心的智慧,可能已经预见到它值得注意的事物。The intelligence, the stirring intelligence perhaps foresaw what it was essential to note.

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他还预见到了所谓的全球化——对一个被认为思想陈旧的人来说,这是奇怪的。He also foresaw so-calledglobalisation—odd for a man whose thought is supposed to bearchaic.

他预见到,除非美国加入战争,否则日本人的占领永远不会被挫败。He foresaw that the Japanese occupation would never be defeated until America joined the war.

她预见了“一个所有人都可平等获取知识和观念的独立的国际互联网”。She foresaw "a single Internet where all of humanity has equal access to knowledge and ideas.

但是,我并不认为我们所有的人都可以预见问题的严重性。I do not think that anyone foresaw the level of seriousness of the problem we were faced with.

他又预知了七濑将被袭,最终警察高村救了七濑。He also foresaw seven seto will be hit, the police finally high village saved seven programmes.

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此外,公麋党及其领导人罗斯福部分地预见了日后美国社会的发展趋势。Moreover, the new party and its leader Roosevelt partially foresaw the American society's development.

利昂.托洛茨基精确的预言了苏联的这种结局,而这在数十年后就被证明是正确的。Leon Trotsky foresaw precisely such an end tothe Soviet Union , and was proved right some twentyyears ago.

许多年以来的头一次,美国人预见了一位可以动员全国人民一起走向繁荣的总统。For the first time in many years, Americans foresaw a president who would mobilize the nation to greatness.