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这口井是那口井的五倍深。This well is fives times as deep as that one.

你要票额多少的钱?——请给我五元一张的吧。How would you like your money? -In fives please.

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五张十元的,五张五元的,其余都要一元的。Five tens, five fives and the rest in ones, please.

这张百元券请兑换给我五张十元券和十张五元券。Please give me five tens and ten fives for this hundred.

你可以把这十元纸币转做两张五元纸币吗?Could you give me a couple of fives for this ten-dollar bill?

这对于一个农民的儿子来说,经过5年的打拼,已经相当不错了。Not bad for fives years' work by the son of a peasant farmer.

在部队越过边境时人们都击掌庆祝。High fives and celebrations break out once troops cross the line.

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白皙的脸上顷刻间就出现五条红印。In a short instant seem fives above the pure white face red print.

她花了五年时间才学会如何欣赏立体派的绘画。It took her fives years to know how to appreciate cubic paintings.

位于小镇一边的山坡上,三五成群的羚羊到处可见。On one side of town, antelope abounded by fours and fives in the hills.

当我们训练时打6v5的小比赛,他真是我的噩梦。When we play little six v fives in training he can be a nightmare to mark.

据报道,在几乎被夷平的5个州里,至少有50人死亡。At least 50 people have been reported dead in neighorhood leveled in fives states.

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我们击过“高掌”,也击过“低掌”,还有背上轻轻的拍打,多酷啊!I was getting the high fives and the low fives and the pats on the back. I was cool.

我们五十五,五十,和一个客户关于五百万咸盐,五和三十五,清楚。We are fifty-five fifty with a client on five million Salts fives of thirty-five. Clear.

“五号”和“回声”盔甲上的印花是为了纪念“重担”在里希卫星上的牺牲。Fives and Echo have decals on their armor commemorating Hevy's sacrifice on the Rishi Moon.

你应该得到一个热烈的拥抱,或者轻拍你的肩膀以示鼓励,或者,至少来个80年代流行的跳跃击掌吧!You deserve a hug, pat on the back, or at least one of those 80’s freeze-frame jumping high fives.

相比之下,高收入国家5岁以下儿童的死亡率为每千活产7例。Set this against an average death rate for under fives in high income countries of 7 deaths per 1000.

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不错,可是谁愿意告诉他,说她不行呢?—谁愿意为大家去冒险呢?我们中间有一些人知道他的拳头很厉害。Yes, but who'll tell him she's no good-who'll bell the cat? Some of us know he's got a bunch of fives.

我想把一百元破开,请给我换成两张二十元,四张十元,两张五元,和十个一元。I'd like to break a hundred dollar bill. Give me two twenties, four tens, two fives and ten ones, please.

我带着负罪的心理一五一十的交待了我和黎排长的关系。I count by fives and tens with the mentality bearing the crime confessing Platoon Leader our and Li relation.