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加入蛋液。Add in egg.

加入桃子。Add peaches.

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添加描边。Add a Stroke.

添加标题。Add headings.

加两磅糖。Add 2lb sugar.

加点响声。Add some noise.

添加后缀。Add the suffix.

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加了一些饭。I add some rice.

现在可好,手提电脑也能用了。Now add laptops.

加椰蓉,拌匀。Add coconut. Mix.

加入蘑菇。Add in mushrooms.

加入调料。Add in seasonings.

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加入擦成细丝的柠檬皮。Add the lemon zest.

最后将两项相加So you add the two.

然后把应有的强奏加入。Then add the forte.

增加一个新的硬式磁盘。Add a new hard disk.

加入泡打粉,拌匀。Add cake powder Mix.

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给下水道加水。Add water to drains.

为什么我们要加“-es”?Why do we add "-es"?

这里添加两个按钮。You add two buttons.