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小镇的尽头。End of town.

一个香烟头。A cigarette end.

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公共汽车道结束。End Of Bus Lane.

死亡就是终结。Death is the end.

只要能离开就好孒。But I want to end.

我们最终变成尸体。We end up corpses.

要么结束,要么改进。End dit or mend it.

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开始和结束日期.Start and end date.

你拉着弹簧的一端So you pull one end.

今年的岁尾天气特别冷。The end of the year.

赶紧结束吧。It just needs to end.

奋斗到底!Struggle to the end !

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创痛远未完结。The pain did not end.

讨论完毕。End of the discussion.

万事都有一个尽头。Everything has an end.

他的头发扎煞着。His hair stood on end.

爱到尽头皆是空。Love to end all empty.

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最后让我来祝酒。So I end with a toast.

直到人生的那端。Until the end of life.

你的结尾游戏是什么?What is your end game?