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无黑帽战术。No black-hat tactics.

白帽子战术只。White hat tactics only.

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审丑是一种美学策略。It is a aesthetic tactics.

战术有别于战略。Tactics differs from strategy.

第三,“尝试游击战术”。Third, "Try guerilla tactics."

其次,战略战术问题。Next about strategy and tactics.

无“黑帽子”战术接受。No "black-hat" tactics accepted.

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这种伎俩没有吓倒汤姆·约翰逊。Such tactics did not daunt Tom Johnson.

我知道论两人的战术造诣,那是不可同日而语的。I know that their tactics don't compare.

战略要比战术更加重要。Strategy is more important than tactics.

比赛之前我们战术要达成一致。We need to agree tactics before the game.

遵守搜索引擎最优化策略。Follow search engine optimization tactics.

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如何跟猎头族“过着”?。How to play tactics with head-hunting clan?

博科圣地的策略随着时间不断改变。Boko Haram's tactics have changed over time.

但是霍顿称这些批评为“吓阻战术。”Houghton calls the criticisms "scare tactics."

领先队三分球战术运用率最低。The one-up team used less three-score tactics.

对手们抱怨他的防守策略。Opponents complain about his defensive tactics.

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苏军的正确的防守战术。The Russian Red Army's correct defense tactics.

还是为了促成改变而去妥协我们的策略?Or should we develop blunter tactics for change?

所以嘛,现在佛教徒正在用从伊斯兰教那山寨来的战术。So, now the Budhism is using tactics from Islam.