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你知道她会泄露所有秘密的。You know she'll just blab all the secrets.

那些故事是假的,全是胡扯。Those stories are false, just so much blab.

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我们从不跟她说心里话,因她会说漏嘴。We never confided in her, because she would blab.

所以在我知道自己得到那个角色之前,我不要你四处跟人说。So I don't want you to blab it around until I know I've got the part.

我的同胞,你们在这儿大放厥词的时候,你能说你真的爱国吗?。My compatriots, as you blab here, can you really say you love your country?

她还可以啦,不过她老爱提她老公有多成功。She's OK, but she always likes to blab about how successful her husband is.

我勉强逃了出来,如果妳到处跟人说的话,可是会有警察跑来的。I managed to escape. If you blab about it carelessly, the police will come running.

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如果你的朋友秘密地告诉你某件事情,不要将它泄露给任何人。If your friend tells you something in confidence, don't blab about it to everyone else.

如果你的朋友秘密地告诉你某件事情,不要将它泄露给任何人。Be loyal. If your friend tells you something in confidence, don't blab about it to everyone else.

我不确定我的侄女是否会泄露我的消息。但是我认为她会这样做的。I can't be certain my niece will blab this information to everyone, but somehow, I think she will eventually.

他们会特别鼓励运动性社团,因为你可以遇到很多同龄的人,藉以训练社交技巧等等的。And especially for the sports ones, you can meet a lot of young as you and develop sociability and blab la bla.

然而在尘世上大家都怕这帮人,因为他们从神工阁子中知道许多私密事,遇到酒醉的时候常常顺口泄露。Yet on earth these men are feared, for they know many secrets from the confessional, and often blab them when they are drunk.

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他让所有人说话、吹嘘、闲聊,所有人都在努力讨好女人,他只是在旁边静静的听。He lets everyone else talk and blab and yabber away, all these guys trying to impress the women, and he just calmly listens from the edge of the group.

家差不多是惟一可以无所顾忌、放心聊天的地方。GOLDEN RULE Home is pretty much the only place where you can safely blab about almost anything without having to consider the needs of the people around you.

然后,卡梅伦将再次大放阙词,胡扯它是如何在展示英国的优势,而与此同时,把这归功于他削减了科研经费,间接保证了那些胜利。Then Cameron will blab again about how it shows British strengths, at the same time as he's slashing funding to scientific research that indirectly ensured those victories.