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鸽子是一种美丽而温柔的鸟。The pigeon is a beautiful and genteel bird.

利迪娅想,她是有教养的女性中的一个范例。She was a good example of a genteel woman, Lydia thought.

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不久之前日本的交通警察还是温文尔雅的一群人。JAPANESE traffic cops were until recently a genteel bunch.

与这个优雅的捕猎者交谈轻松得有些奇怪。It was strangely easy to converse with this genteel hunter.

在“古典路”博科是一种适当的民间纺织曲阜。The "Genteel Lu" brocade is kind of proper folk textile in Qufu.

认识你的人或刚刚认识你的人,都常常称赞你彬彬有礼的态度。People you know or have just met often remark on your genteel ways.

你是够文雅的,看上去真像个大家闺秀!You are genteel enough, you look like a lady from a wellbred family.

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在东京西部,一块被文明的社区围绕的土地,很可能埋藏了大屠杀的铁证。PROOF of mass murder could lie in a genteel enclave of west-central Tokyo.

高端时尚曾经属于上流社会,如今正被一种新的商业化思维所统治。A new, commodified attitude reigns in the once genteel world of high fashion.

黑发的比尔散发出一种绅士风范,艾瑞克则给人一种坏男孩的神秘感。While dark-haired Bill exudes genteel values, Eric thrills with bad-boy mystique.

米考伯先生跟先前完全一样,优游文雅、宛如青年,进了屋里。Mr. Micawber, not a Bit changed, came into the room with a genteel and youthful air.

学生走上社会之后,要力争摆脱学生腔,说话。When students enter the society, they need to avoid being genteel and speak properly.

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在“古典路”博科具有良好的透气性,吸湿财产,拉电阻。The "Genteel Lu" brocade has a good permeability, hydroscopic property, and pull resistance.

他打破了传统文学和戏剧的温柔生活在一个非常现实的途径。He broke away from the genteel tradition of literature and dramatized the life in a very realistic way.

现在他运作的是大型的私募基金,一项俱乐部式的体面生意。Now he is plying his trade in the higher-profile private equity business, a clubby and often genteel industry.

墨尔本餐馆是一个“具有上流社会风格”的休闲场所,商务人士、城市打工族、朋友和客人可以来这里共进午餐或就餐。The Melbourne Restaurant is a "genteel" retreat for business people, city workers friends and guests to lunch or dine.

里弗赛德教堂中神圣的宗教仪式与哈勒姆伏都教的符咒只隔几个街区。From joozone. com. The genteel mysteries housed in the Riverside Church are only a few blocks from the voodoo charms of Harlem.

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其一处极为粗俗的海岸旁,已经变成了一个安静的公园,周边有着老居民区,现在还被点缀了卡布奇诺的商店。Its once-raffish waterfront has been transformed into a genteel park, and the old neighborhoods are now dotted with cappuccino shops.

三年前,人们发现涉嫌的阿根廷酷刑中心主审讯官在弗吉尼亚州平原城经营着一家高档古玩店。Three years ago, the alleged chief interrogator at a torture center in Argentina was found running a genteel antiques shop in The Plains, Virginia.

提倡良好风度举止者和行为粗放者之间一直存在着争论,前者希望社会能回到一个更有教养和礼貌的时代。There is a constant tug-of-war between the advocates of good manners and those of crudity , with the former hoping for a return to a more genteel age.