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什么是授权?What is authorization?

为何要使用以用户为中心的授权?Wherefore user-centric authorization?

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我可以看看你做这件事的授权书吗?May I see your authorization for this?

支持策略驱动的身份验证。Support for policy-driven authorization.

认证和授权安全。Authentication and Authorization security.

建模基于上下文的授权规则Modeling context-based authorization rules

任何授权代码都可以在此注入。Any authorization code can be injected here.

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基于实例的授权更为困难。Instance-based authorization is more difficult.

嗯,这是你的授权书上的药品。Well, here's the drug you had authorization for.

“获得贷记授权”活动应该执行吗?Should "Get Credit Authorization" activity execute?

所有的货运要在信用卡批准后才能执行。All timeframes apply pending credit card authorization.

他要求SAG的成员进行罢工。He asked the SAG membership for a strike authorization.

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好的,我们会发传真到上海确认。英英解释。OK. we'll send a fax to Shanghai and get authorization.

这种不一致只会影响验证检查。This inconsistency affects only the authorization check.

会员对清算人员的授权书。Letter of authorization by member to settlement personnel.

标识模型是一个基于声明的授权系统。The Identity Model is a claims-based authorization system.

他擅自采取的行动已经妨碍了整个计划的实施。His action without authorization has stymied the whole plan.

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授权规则会按由上至下的顺序套用。Authorization rules are applied in order, from top to bottom.

如阁下授权第三者代取股票,请填写以下授权表格。Please complete the following authorization form if you wish.

进入每个校园中带门的大楼时都要求授权。Buildings on each campus with doors requiring entry authorization.