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提供了和其他系统的互操作能力。It offers interoperability with other systems.

模式是服务数据互操作能力的关键。Schemas are key to Service data interoperability.

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当前,大多RDF的使用都是为了解决数据的互通性。At present, most use of RDF is for interoperability.

L2TP具有本钱低、自动权、互通性等长处。L2TP with lower cost and interoperability initiative, etc.

支持模型层次上的交互性与集成性Enables interoperability and integration at the model level

互操作性问题会造成组织活动无效。Interoperability problems can negate organizational initiatives.

它希望通过借助公众反馈来增进其互用性。It’s hoping to advance interoperability by dint of public review.

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你需要进行一些步骤的互通性检测。You will need to take further steps to test for interoperability.

我将在以后的技巧中讨论其他的互操作性问题。I will discuss those other interoperability topics in future tips.

检查先前没有被提出的互用性问题。Check interoperability issues that have not been previously addressed.

有了它,真是透明性和互操作性的福音。It is offered as a salve for transparency as well as interoperability.

以前的互操作性测试工作是时间点声明。Previous interoperability testing efforts were point in time statements.

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同时,它与现有的RTT测量有很好的互操作性。Meanwhile, it has a good interoperability with the current RTT measurement.

不过,这通常会对服务实现的可操作性造成影响。However, it typically hinders the interoperability of service implementations.

这个统一的库考虑了不同扩展之间的互操作性。This unified library allows for interoperability between the different extensions.

其用户包括国防部的联合互操作性测试司令部。Its customers include the Defense Department’s Joint Interoperability Test Command.

很明显,在此应用程序中互操作性是最为重要的。It is evident that interoperability is of paramount importance in such applications.

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公共语言运行库提供内置的语言互操作性支持。The common language runtime provides built-in support for language interoperability.

为了达到最佳的互操作性,我们建议注册OVF的MIME类型。For best interoperability we would recommended that a MIME-type for OVF be registered.

广而言之,大多数信息集成都是对语义互操作性进行处理。In a broader sense, most information integration deals with semantic interoperability.