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它娴静端庄却又性感十足。It's demure yet very sexy.

她冲他娴静地笑了笑。She gave him a demure smile.

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正在这时,一个端庄的女子走进来。Just then, a demure female entered the room.

但是,她并没有成为大家所期待的端庄的皇后,而是武断的、野心勃勃的。But, instead of being the demure queen expected of her, she was assertive and ambitious.

仿佛诗经里娴静婉约的唯美佳人,在水一方,揽镜自照。If the demure graceful beauty in aesthetic, in the water side, gazing at itself in a mirror.

利用沉着的色泽和形式,表现出端庄、典雅的气质。By force of steady luster and style. the furniture presents a demure. graceful and elegant manner.

不晓得是否是灯光的衬托,但盈秀在这张照片中显得特别雍容华贵,有一种超机成熟的韵味。I wonder if it was the lighting, but this photograph gave Ying Xiu a very demure and elegant look.

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在最好的百货公司,即便是故作矜持的“电梯女孩”也是以礼相待、毫无瑕疵。In the finest department stores, even the demure "elevator girls" are treated with impeccable politeness.

别要被叶露捻弄纸伞时看似忸怩的外表迷惑,这个中国美人别具风情并洋溢着热情的火花!Lulu may seem demure and harmless as she twirls her parasol, but this Chinese beauty is full of spice and sparks!

这时梅布尔则会偷偷地看他一眼,表明自己是个不易得手的端庄的淑女,正如我们在调情时所做的那样。Mable also steals sideways glances, just as we do when flirting, to show she’s demure and hard to get, yet interested.

而且,在这个父系家长制的社会体系中,女性在传统上是要保持矜持的,所以女性的角色模范很少。Also, women in this predominantly patriarchal society are traditionally meant to be demure and so have few female role models.

她端庄优雅地坐到我身边,我们的膝盖几乎碰在一起,我恍恍惚惚地盯着她看。With a demure and becoming grace, she took the seat next to me, our knees nearly touching, and I stared at her as if in a trance.

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看来她一定是一个性格非常复杂的女人,这同她那端庄娴静的外表倒构成了极富于戏剧性的对比。She must be a woman of complicated character, and there was something dramatic in the contrast of that with her demure appearance.

Streep的成熟端庄的风格能够影响到40岁以上年龄段的女性,这些女性也比其他年龄段更能够在时装上花钱。And Ms. Streep's maturity and demure style choices may appeal to women over 40, who spend more on fashion than other demographic groups.

尽管石川辽尚未赢得过一项国际赛,但他早已俘获日本大众女性的心。While he has yet to win a major international tournament, he's won the hearts of Japanese women with his good looks and demure demeanor.

压缩空气在硅质的皮肤下游走,触发了执行器,她抬起双臂,扯了扯嘴角,矜持地一笑。Compressed air flows beneath silicone skin, triggering actuators that raise her arms and lift the corners of her mouth into a demure smile.

关于日本妇女端庄又恭顺的流行观念当然是人云亦云的成见,不过鸠山幸的举止不管放在哪个国家都算得上怪异了。The popular notion that Japanese women are demure and subservient is a lazy stereotype, but Miyuki's behaviour would seem bizarre in any country.

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随着出售蕾丝胸罩的内衣店和性用品商店在街头巷尾纷纷冒出,中国人从前保守矜持的着装风格如今变得出奇地活泼开放。With lingerie shops hawking lacy bras and sex shops springing up on neighborhood corners, China's once demure style has become noticeably racier.

她有一个娴静的方式,几乎与她亲密的朋友好玩,但刘慧卿可害羞,沉默,甚至是陌生人的存在贬值。She had a demure manner that was almost fun with her close friends, but Emily could be shy, silent, or even depreciating in the presence of strangers.

那么,身为深夜脱口秀节目的著名主持人,已有超过三十年主持经验的杰•雷诺是如何败在平时一向严肃冷静的奥巴马手下的?So how did Leno, a late night comedy icon who has performed stand-up for more than 30 years, get thoroughly trounced by the usually demure and sober Obama?