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她的皱纹随年龄增长而变深。Her wrinkles deepen with age.

她的皱纹随着年龄增长而加深。Her wrinkles deepen with age.

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第三是要深化外贸体制改革。Third, deepen reforming trade system.

深化贸易和投资合作。Deepen cooperation in trade and investment.

我公司进行机电专业施工图深化设计。M&E deepen design finshed by our institute.

增进对幽默和讽刺效果的感悟力。Deepen our understanding of humor and irony.

第二,深化互利合作。Second, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation.

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第四,深化财政金融合作。Fourth, deepen fiscal and financial cooperation.

深化财政金融合作。First, to deepen fiscal and financial cooperation.

第二,要积极拓展各领域务实合作。Second, we should deepen cooperation in all areas.

我们将坚持深化改革扩大开放。We will deepen reform and open wider to the world.

欧美日之间的经济矛盾加深。And Euro-US-Japanese contradictions tend to deepen.

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二是深化改革、激发经济活力。Second, deepen reform to unleash economic vitality.

深化干部人事制度改革。Deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system.

第一,深化能源和交通合作。First, deepen energy and transportation cooperation.

为什么近视了不常戴眼镜会加深度数?Why myopic can lens of seldom Dai Yan deepen degree?

职员给领导送礼是为深化私情。Gifts to the staff of leadership is to deepen Siqing.

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——我们要全面深化改革开放。We will comprehensively deepen reform and opening up.

深化财税制度改革。We will deepen reform of fiscal and taxation systems.

深化改革,加强和改善宏观调控Deepen reform and strengthen and improve macro-control