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绝不像痴情的鸟儿。I will never imitate spoony birds.

绝不学痴情的鸟儿I will never learn from the spoony birds

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终于有一天,上帝被这个痴情的男孩感动了。Finally, God was striked by the spoony boy.

于是痴情的大地等待玫瑰一直等到了冬天。So spoony earth waited for rose until winter.

痴情已经经历十几年了,暗恋也过了。Spoony have been through ten years, like also.

美食成了巴厘岛让人为之痴情的又一大亮点。Food became Bali let a person spoony and tom. com.

男人选择执着,女人选择痴情。A male chooses to persist, A female chooses spoony.

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同时,他也是一个浪漫的诗人,一个痴情但多变的人。At the same time, he is also a romantic poet, a spoony.

同时,他也是一个浪漫的诗人,一个薄情但多变的人。At the same time, he is also a romantic poet, a spoony.

为什么往往痴情的人,却会往往是悲伤的人?Why often spoony , can often you be sad person however?

王宝钏是唐朝野史中痴情烈女的“楷模”。Wang Baochuan is the unofficial history of spoony women "model".

据饲养员介绍,这只金丝猴是个标准的“痴情男”。This golden monkey is a normal "spoony male", introduced the feeder.

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学会忘记,懂得放弃。你那么的不小心,我又何必痴情。Learn to forget, know how to give up. You are so careless, I again why spoony.

网络、伤了多少痴情女人旳痴情,成全了多少花心男人旳花心。Network, hurt many spoony woman infatuated, accomplished much bother to bring a man 's heart.

还有那个痴情的红尘,到如今,他不知自己还能给她什么?There is also that spoony world of mortals, to now, he don't know oneself return ability to she what?

如果我爱你,我绝不学痴情的鸟儿,为绿荫重复单调的歌曲。If I fall in love with you, I will never imitate spoony birds, to repeat simple songs for green shade.

也许,但凡女子对这样痴情的男子都会动心,哪怕她们已有了如意夫君。Probably, but any female ambition show interest to this spoony men, which scared they have yet had a satisfied husband.

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女人的等待是痴情,是对男人誓言的悲情注解,很多时候等待的只是一帘幽梦,美丽而寂寞。The waiting is spoony woman, is to the men in some kind of a comment, many oath when waiting for is increased, beautiful and lonely.

一向胆小而贤淑的母亲因此一病不起,而欧也妮这个痴情的姑娘最终等到的却是发了小财归来的负心汉。The shy and virtuous mother fell down from heartache, while Eugenie, this spoony girl, got a rich man who was not loyal to her love any more.

夏奈的表现没有让他失望,立即摆出一副花痴摸样,一脸惊喜地看着他。The rendition of summer Nai didn't make him disappoint and immediately put a spoony touch variety, one face startle the ground looking at him.