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卡通式的视觉效果和滑稽的声音。Cartoon-style visuals and comical audio.

他戴著那顶小帽子,看上去真滑稽。He looked comical wearing that tiny hat.

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他戴着那顶小帽子,看上去真滑稽。He looked highly comical wearing that tiny hat.

但我尝试过滑稽诙谐的角色。But I have tried comical and funny roles before.

这本书有些部分让人发笑,但有些部分也让我为之惋惜。Some parts are comical but in others, I feel sorry for him.

你正戴着的帽子真滑稽,有那么多花在上面。That's a comical hat you're wearing, with all those flowers!

我们考虑过的建议中,有一些非常荒唐,简直算是可笑。Some of the proposals we considered were so absurd they were comical.

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普拉蒂尼对每日电讯报说,这个想法既奇怪又可笑。"It's a strange and comical idea, " Platini told the Daily Telegraph.

在故事中添加这些滑稽角色是作为一点轻松的调剂。The comical characters are brought into the story for a little light relief.

但是,日本也在忙着制造另一个极其荒唐的泡沫。But Japan was also busy manufacturing a second bubble of comical proportions.

他作出的动作是如此的滑稽以至于我忍不住大笑。The movements he made were so comical that I was hard put to it not to laugh.

福斯塔夫是莎士比亚戏剧中一个最完美、最逗人喜欢的喜剧形象。In Shakespeare's dramas, Falstaff is the most perfect and attractive comical figure.

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路人无动于衷时,流浪汉就会再掀起一块纸板,展示出另一句话。For a third time, he jiggles the cardboard display to show another comical statement.

努纳是一种不会飞的禽,原产于纳布沼泽,其笨拙的步态很滑稽。Comical in their ungainly gait, nunas are flightless fowl native to the swamps of Naboo.

这是经常包含可笑社会批评和讽刺歌曲的普遍的样式。It was a popular style of song that often contained comical social criticism and satire.

波浪形的墙壁似波涛在汹涌,滑稽的烟囱仿佛在房顶舞蹈。Wavy walls seem to undulate and a comical array of chimney stacks dance across the roof.

但是我觉得周志达的角色非常新鲜,很漫画很可爱。But i find his Zhou Zhida character quite refreshing as it is more comical and cute type.

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我之前没有过这样的念头。但我尝试过滑稽诙谐的角色。I haven't tried any of that kind before. But I have tried comical and funny roles before.

夸大所有令你心神不安并让它充满你哦的脑海,直到很滑稽。Exaggerate whatever it is you’re hung up on and blow it up in you mind until it’s comical.

很高兴见到你,凯特。他就像个长着绿毛极度夸张的剑齿虎一样。It's very nice to meet you, Kate. He's an overexaggerated smilodon with comical green hair.