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我的太太怀孕了。My wife is pregnant.

她怀孕5个月了。She is 5 months pregnant.

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我的身孕具体说来有多"深"了?How pregnant am I, exactly?

她怀孕5个月了。She is five months pregnant.

我嫂嫂怀孕了。My sister-in-law is pregnant.

她怀孕了,哥我还是个处男。She's pregnant. I'm a virgin.

这次真的。我太太怀孕了。I mean it. My wife is pregnant.

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17岁时,我怀上了一对双胞胎。At 17 I got pregnant with twins.

他是一个思想丰富的人。He is a man pregnant with ideas.

是老婆怀了孕。Stress is when wife is pregnant.

那么怀孕女性怎么办呢?So what about pregnant women, then?

你告诉赛勒丝我怀孕了?Did you tell Celeste I was pregnant?

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他让一个无家可归的女人怀了孕。And he made a homeless woman pregnant.

怀孕还有没有白带的?。Be pregnant to still have leucorrhoea?

17岁的时候,梅甘怀孕了。When Megan was 17 she became pregnant.

您本人或任何受赡养人目前是否怀孕?Are you or any dependents now pregnant?

金闰美现在已有7个月身孕。Gim currently is seven months pregnant.

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怀孕妇女可以使用本产品吗?Q9. Can pregnant women use this product?

有小海豚,怀孕的海豚。There is baby dolphin, pregnant dolphin.

她始终没有停止过尝试受孕。She never stopped trying to get pregnant.