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我是你的储蓄罐。I'll be your Piggy bank.

小猪会晕车怎么办?Is piggy carsick how to do?

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让我看一下我的储蓄罐。Let me check my piggy bank.

熊妹妹的存钱罐满满当当的。Sister’s piggy bank is full.

把零钱全部存进小猪储蓄罐里。Save change in a piggy bank or jar.

小猪胖胖把们又关好了。Piggy Pangpang closes the door again.

小猪把红苹果放进红房子。Piggy puts red apples in the red house.

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除了猪崽子以外,所有的孩子们都吃吃地笑开了。All the boys except Piggy started to giggle.

这不再是小猪储蓄罐了,而是一只独眼怪。Instead of "piggy bank", it's a "monster bank".

黏人的小猪身上,留下快乐的印记。On this little piggy happiness leaves its traces.

耐着性子看,你就会看到狂舞的小猪。Be patient and you'll see the little dancing piggy.

他那双很像猪眼的小眼睛里闪烁着热情洋溢的光芒。His small, rather piggy eyes glitter with enthusiasm.

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这蛮好玩的存钱罐会令你迫不及待地存钱。This piggy bank is so much fun you won't wait to save.

难道猪小弟真的叫一声「Wee」都回家的路上?Did the little Piggy really cry 'Wee' all the way home?

我把钱给他,他把钱放进他的小猪储钱罐。I give him my change, and he puts it in his piggy bank.

现在你知道为什么要用小猪做存钱罐了吧。Now you know the reason why saving box made as piggy bank.

猪崽子看到微笑,却误以为是友好的表示。Piggy saw the smile and misinterpreted it as friendliness.

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闻道了一股烟味,他急忙顺着烟味来到厨房。Suddenly Piggy Pangpang smells the smoke from the kitchen.

小白鼠、灰鼠、黄鼠到树林里去看望小猪。White Mouse, Gray Mouse and Yellow Mouse go to visit Piggy.

妈妈攒了一千美圆放在储钱的罐子里,那是为能使你上大学的所有积蓄。Tryna start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college.