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什么是创新?What is innovation?

创新无极限!Innovation without limit!

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云是一种革新。The cloud is an innovation.

创新将在这里飞跃!Innovation will fly in MSTC!

他们不欢迎创新。They don't welcome innovation.

但革新是两者的关键。But innovation is key for both.

所以下一步是开放性的创新。So the next is open innovation.

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这项创新才出现不久it's kind of a recent innovation.

文化与创新彼此相关。Culture and innovation are linked.

创新中心可以起到帮助作用。Innovation centres can help do this.

四是蔡敬民先生的竹笛改革。Fourth, the innovation of bamboo pipe.

但是这些创新来源于哪里呢?But where did the innovation originate?

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施乐有很长的创新历史。Xerox has a long history of innovation.

生活时常是一次充满创意和乐趣的感受!ALife is filled with innovation and joy!

博凯文化的核心是创新。Bok ¨ culture is the core of innovation.

但我们也看到创新的必要性。But we also see the need for innovation.

创新是指创意的自由发挥。Innovation is the freedom of creativity.

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创新也是奥巴马总统十分关注的领域。Innovation is what preoccupies Mr Obama.

它们需要新的技术和创新。They need new technology and innovation.

这是本文的重点创新点。This chaper is important and innovation.