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招潮蟹就是一座“活钟”。The fiddler crab is a living clock.

现在,好心的提琴手,麻烦你。And now, kind fiddler , if you please.

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小提琴手又演奏了一首短曲。And the fiddler played another little tune.

人们往往不动声色地坐在那里,瞧着这位瘦小的提琴手闹腾一番。Too often people sat stolidly watching the noisy little fiddler.

每个提琴手都有一把提琴,都有非常好的提琴。Every fiddlers had a fiddle so fine and a very fine fiddler had he.

提供快捷按钮,可以清除缓存、cookies,并支持Fiddler流模式。More convenient buttons to clear cache, clear cookies, and enable Fiddler Streaming Mode

他知道那个琴师肯定宁愿呆在弗吉尼亚继续当奴隶,也不想到非洲去做自由人。He knew the fiddler would always rather stay a slave in Virginia than go to Africa a free man.

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音乐剧「屋顶上的提琴手」在纽约市百老汇上演,共演出3,242场。The musical " Fiddler on the Roof" opened on Broadway, New York, and ran for 3,242 performances.

1964年的今天,音乐喜剧“屋顶上的小提琴家”在百老汇开幕,开始连续上演3242次。In 1964, the musical "Fiddler on the Roof" opened on Broadway, beginning a run of 3,242 performances.

在坟内,一个棺材里面,躺着一个提琴手和一个弱智男孩儿,他们是被蒂格的邦联家园卫队所杀害。In it, sharing one coffin, lie a fiddler and a retarded boy killed by Teague 's Confederate Home Guard.

Fiddler有一个强大的基于事件的脚本子系统,能够使用任何.NET语言进行扩展。Fiddler includes a powerful event-based scripting subsystem, and can be extended using any .NET language.

其他的同学则在外面找寄居蟹和招潮蟹观察。Other students constitution looking for the hermit crab and the fiddler crab observation in other places.

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他那宽阔的灰色眼睛望着这位小提琴手,尽最大的努力将自己所有的注意力倾注于他的身上。His wide gray eyes rested upon the little fiddler and conferred upon him all the importance of which any individual is capable.

Fiddler与.NET结合得非常紧,大家熟悉的提供类似功能的工具还有很多While Fiddler is unique in its tight integration with .NET, there are many other well-known tools that offer similar functionality

自然中最非凡的“活钟”之一就属招潮蟹,是人们熟悉的沙滩居民。One of the most remarkable of nature's living clocks belongs to the fiddler crab, that familiar beach-dweller with the overgrown claw.

雄性的招潮蟹会挥舞着它那只大钳子来炫耀自己,蜂鸟则是通过和配偶一起俯冲飞翔来展现他的雄姿。Male fiddler crabs wave an outsized claw to show off, and male hummingbirds display their flying prowess with a flamboyant mating dive.

大自然中最非凡的“活钟”之一就属招潮蟹,是人们熟悉的沙滩居民。One of the most remarkable of nature's living clocks belongs to the fiddler crab, that familiar beach-dweller with the overgrown claw.

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长嘴秧鸡尤其高度依赖于沼泽地环境——包括沼泽地的招潮蟹,这是它们的一种主要食物——如果石油到达这里,它们将无处可逃。Clapper rails in particular are highly dependent on the marshes—including fiddler crabs, a dietary staple—and they'll have nowhere to go if the oil arrives.

我们驶入装着巨大玻璃顶棚的终点站,提琴手收起旧鞋油盒,伸出自己的帽子讨了几个铜钱,推开车门走了。We were now getting into the big glass-roofed terminus, and the fiddler put away his old blacking-box and held out his hat for a copper, and then opened the door and was gone.

但是,当一个勇于探索的科学家把招潮蟹放在黑暗中,他惊讶的发现蟹壳的颜色依然准确的按时间转变。But when an enterprising scientist placed a fiddler crab in darkness, he was amazed to find that the color of the crab's shell kept ticking off the time with the same accuracy.