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这两个程序提供了一个下载的启动光盘,您可以在大多数计算机上使用。These two programs offer a downloadable bootable CD which you can use on most computers.

如果你不能确定,将启动分区的开始部分置于第1024个圆柱之下。If you are not sure, keep the beginning of the bootable partitions below the 1024th cylinder.

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接着,在磁盘的开始部分,创建一个很小的引导分区,用来保存内核。Next, I'll create a small bootable partition at the beginning of the disk to hold my kernels.

可以创建多重启动CD和DVD光盘,擦除可读写刻录盘以及在空闲之余记录数据。Create multi-session bootable CDs and DVDs, erase rewritable discs, and record data on the fly.

使用这些文件和软件创建能够创建自启动的光盘。The Rescue Disk can be created using these files and any software that can create bootable CDs.

不过,如果你想要的是一个更全面的解决方案,也可以创建一个可启动环境。However, if you're looking for a more comprehensive solution, you can create a bootable environment too.

如果没有检测到可以启动的驱动器,就会显示一条信息,表明计算机系统需要一个系统盘。If no bootable drive is detected, it will display a message that the computer system needs a system disk.

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检测作业系统成为无法开机,由于一些偶然的原因,使他们再次开机。Detect operating systems that became unbootable due to some accidental reasons and make them bootable again.

映像通常在创建可引导光盘或软盘时使用,为了能在它们上面拷贝一个Linux内核映像。Usually, images are used when creating bootable CDs or floppies, by copying an image of a linux kernel on them.

不过,由于下载文件的是一个ISO格式的,所以创建一个可启动的救援盘要比微软的“系统清理器”要更加复杂一些。But because you’re downloading an ISO file, creating a bootable rescue disk is more complicated than with System Sweeper.

为了适应装有可启动光盘的电脑,一些BIOS还允许将光驱指定为启动驱动器。In order to adapt to a bootable CD-ROM with the computer, some BIOS will also allow the drive designated as the boot drive.

一个常见的障碍是,尤其是如果您正试图启动一个不熟悉的架构,安装盘可能无法启动。One common stumbling block, particularly if you're trying to boot an unfamiliar architecture, is that the installation disc may not be bootable.

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为了使像一个便携式存储驱动器启动的设备,你肯定会需要一个专门的应用程序,可以快速,轻松地完成这项工作。You can even use the files Bootable USB Drive Creator Tool comes with. These will allow you to make the drive boot in either FreeDOS or in MS-DOS.