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我真为明迪感到高兴。I am so happy for Mindy.

祝福你,明迪公主。Bless you, Princess Mindy.

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玛丽比明迪更有魅力。Mary has more charm than Mindy.

因为我已经答应明蒂了。Because I promised Mindy I would.

明帝在太空总署受训成为太空人。Mindy learned to be an astronaut while working at NASA.

敏迪。史密斯写了其余几首歌,包括主打歌。Mindy Smith wrote several others, including the title track.

明迪不需要花很多时间就可以想出一些很棒的口号。It didn't take Mindy much time to come up with some great slogans.

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歌迷们为乡村歌手曼迪·麦克格雷迪举行纪念活动,这位歌手于昨天死亡,年仅37岁。Fans are remembering country star Mindy McCready who died yesterday at the age of 37.

柯以敏就这样用她对音乐的热爱和忠诚一直歌唱。After many years, Mindy still clings to her faith and passion for music in her singing.

柯以敏和丹尼试图在3赛季首演找到工作和爱情之间的平衡。Mindy and Danny try to find a balance between work and romance in the Season 3 premiere.

因被控入室盗窃,阿瑟·布斯日前在迈阿密戴德郡的保释庭受审,主审法官是敏迪·葛莱泽。Arthur Booth appeared in front of judge Mindy Glazer at Miami-Dade bond court charged with burglary.

我猜你可以说我一直是收藏家的怪异。此外,莫克和我的1977明迪式蛋椅“。I guess you can say I was always a collector of the bizarre. also, my 1977 mork and mindy styled egg chair.

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明迪很为派对上穿什么衣服而苦恼,连饭都吃不下去了,而她的丈夫却不以为意,认为这是个无足轻重的“第一世界问题”。Mindy feels so worried about her party dress that she has no appetite to eat, while her husband brushes it aside as a first-world problem.

出生于1989年,我叫杨美仪,目前就读实践大学应用外语系三年级。My name is Mindy Yang. I Was born in 1989. At present went study the practice university application department of foreign languages third grade.

虽然9岁的柯以敏就远渡重洋到英国学习音乐,并立志成为一名流行歌手,但最初家人并不支持她这样做。Although Mindy went to England when she was only 9 years old to study music, setting a goal to become a pop singer, her parents did not support her decision.

英美商会驻洛杉矶执行董事明迪-盖尔的衣柜里一直都有从来没穿过的衣服,有些甚至还连标签都还没有撕掉。Mindy Gail, executive director of the British American Business Council in Los Angeles, until recently possessed clothes she had never worn -- many of them still with the tags on.