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两种皆然不同的观点。Two radical views.

我选择彻底改变。I chose radical change.

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所有这些都走火辣辣的过激之作。All this is fiery radical writing.

现在还没有根治癌症的办法。There is no radical cure for cancer.

乔姆斯基提出了这个激进的观点And Chomsky makes this radical claim.

你知道这个字的偏旁部首吗?Do you know the radical of this word?

如何根治纤维瘤?How to effect a radical cure fibroma?

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这是个激进的研究方法。This is a radical approach to research.

兹努决定“采取激进措施。”Xenu decided "to take radical measures."

如何根治甲沟炎?How to effect a radical cure paronychia ?

用电子自旋共振证实了BTF的自由基。Free radical of BTF was identified by ESR.

是一种有效的自由基清除剂。A kind of Effective free radical scavenger.

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但是会交谈的云?这是很过激的说法!But talking clouds? That's even more radical.

但1808年,傅里叶写下的这句话却显得尤为激进。It was radical when Fourier wrote it in 1808.

行根治性手术切除后,未见复发。There was no relapse after radical operation.

宝贝,我可以看看你的根号下面是什么吗?Hey baby, can I see what’s under your radical?

其斗争的结果是一种新式的激进的极端自由主义。A new and radical permissiveness was the result.

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但是,我不会建议这么激进的行为。But I wouldn't dare suggest anything so radical.

从苯甲酸衍生而来的一价化学基。The univalent radical derived from benzoic acid.

不过,拉丹的一个儿子哈姆扎则非常激进。However, bin Laden's son Hamza is a very radical.