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同一性是偶然的吗Is it that identity is contingent?

队伍加速前进。The contingent quickened its advance.

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他有一支女子警卫队。He has an all-female bodyguard contingent.

我们期望海军分遣队到来。The naval contingent was expected to come.

他们的成功端视我们的支持而言。Their success is contingent on our support.

代表团支援队成员正在架设营帐。Contingent Support Team was setting up the tents.

人群中有来自伊普斯威奇的一个人数众多的代表团。The crowd included a big contingent from Ipswich.

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我们的成功全靠你的不断帮助。Our success is contingent upon your continued help.

偶然同一性是很令人迷惑的The notion of contingent identity is very puzzling.

如何制定紧急性和利用性行动措施?How to develop the contingent and exploitive actions?

队伍朝西山的方向前进。The contingent marched in the direction of the Western Hills.

这类险别的保险费率将根据货物种类而定。Insurance rate of this sort is contingent to the cargo classes.

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一些决策者支持这种“预立遗嘱”和“或有资本”的方式。Some policy makers support living wills and contingent capital.

被担保人今后不再逐笔办理或有债务登记。The guarantee need not register each contingent debt thereafter.

美国陆军分遣队也是由41任布什亲手扶植起来的。That or a contingent of US military, also hand picked by Bush 41.

来自新加坡的分遣队的规模尚未确认。The size of the contingent from Singapore was not immediately known.

相反,他们在我们的生物特性中,偶然呈现。Rather, they emerge from contingent aspects of our biological nature.

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强大的雅利安人的分遣队是操纵和控制媒体的行家。The powerful Aryan contingent were masters of manipulation and media.

军队藉著由外国士兵组成的大分遣队而增强了。The army has been strengthened by a large contingent of foreign soldiers.

你还知道了一队当地人正在被押送向前。You also learn that a contingent of local hostages is being held up ahead.