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可耻的是,这家伙竟然没有“呱呱叫”,讨厌!Shame the guy didn't " croak it" vile!

蛙随着雨落开始哇哇叫。Frogs began to croak with the rainfall.

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一下雨青蛙就开始呱呱地叫起来。Frogs began to croak with the rainfall.

河边,冬眠的青蛙呱呱叫着。The hibernated frogs croak by the river.

青蛙在晚上11时以后呱呱叫是违法的。It's illegal for frogs to croak after 11 PM.

别再发牢骚了,高高兴兴地回家吧,这就对了。Don't croak any more, but come home jolly, there's a dear.

这种大体型的青蛙在叫的时候听上去像一只小狗吠叫。The large frogs sound like a small howling dog when they croak.

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所以,过去几天我决定改我的遗嘱,以防万一那天我死了。So I decided to change my will the last few days in case I croak.

他只配蹲在水潭里,和其他青蛙一起呱呱叫,怎么可能做人的好朋友呢?All he does is to sit in the water with the other frogs, and croak.

它长10-12mm,虽然猪笼草小雨蛙极其微小,但是它的叫声却很大。At 10-12 mm long, Microhyla nepenthicola may be micro, but its croak is loud.

有些人可能无法在所有对话,或只能够悄悄话或克劳克。Some people may not be able to talk at all, or only be able to whisper or croak.

也许你会想象太阳在隆隆地低吟,鸟儿如青蛙般呱呱叫,或是风儿在轻轻歌唱。Perhaps you might imagine that the sun rumbles, that birds croak like frogs or that the wind sings.

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青蛙呱呱的叫声,和田间昆虫啾唧之声混合在一起。The wind blows, the moonlight shines on the ground,the frogs croak and insects chirp in the fields.

也许你会想象太阳在隆隆地低吟,鸟儿如青蛙般呱呱叫,或是风儿在轻轻歌唱。Perhaps you might imagine that the sun rumbles , that birds croak like frogs or that the wind sings.

然而对科学家来说非常幸运的是,这种青蛙非常爱叫,而且叫声很大。Their size makes them hard to spot, but fortunately for scientists, these mini-frogs have a loud croak.

他开始能勉强挤出几个词,其中就包括“现在”这个字眼,这也是医护人员听得最多的一个词。One of the first words he was able to croak out was "now, " which the hospital staff started to hear -- a lot.

如果前三者都不存在呢,谁又能让这位明教教主安心与她夏听蛙鸣秋听蝉?If before 3 don't exist?And who can make the themselves with her summer listen to secure hierarch croak autumn?

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放松点,琼。在我装作被那个两只脑袋的巨大臭猴子吓到之前,我会象一个收到小孙子的章鱼礼物的爷爷那样嚷嚷着抱怨。Relax, Jon. I will croak before I'll let myself be intimidated by a giant two-headed monkey, with an octopus for a granddaddy.

我们的作者不让主人公正常交谈,他们或是“浅浅低泣”,或是“嘶哑的兴奋声”,或是“她的喉咙发出满足的咕噜声”。Our authors do not allow their characters simply to talk, they variously "mewl", "croak encouragement" and display "satisfied purring in her throat".

于是,她常常将工作和生活中的矛盾、压力和不愉快的事,拿到网上公开,诉诉苦闷,发发牢骚。Then, the contradiction in she often will work and living, pressure and unpleasant thing, take a net to go up open, accuse complaint is frowsty , croak.