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我一般情况下货到付款。Usually I pay on arrival.

迟到将是灾难性的。A tardy arrival is disastrous.

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请填这张入境卡。Please fill in the arrival card.

她得到了关于我们抵达的通知。She was apprised of our arrival.

正在那里可以办落地签?Where can I get visa on arrival?

这事发生在他到达以前。It happened prior to his arrival.

他通知我你到了。He informed me about your arrival.

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他的迟到打乱了我们的计划。His late arrival messed up our plan.

忠县移民到达的那一天。On the day of the migrants' arrival.

你到达后给我来个信儿。Please send me word of your arrival.

请你一到就写信给我。Please write me promptly on arrival.

德法奇对他们的到来感到很高兴。Defarge was pleased at their arrival.

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那列火车晚点到达。The arrival of the train was delayed.

邦克的到来对我是沉重的打击。Bunkie's arrival was a big blow to me.

他电告了他到达的时间。He telegraphed the time of his arrival.

在被送到医院之前,谭卓就已经死亡。He was dead on arrival at the hospital.

他的到来使她心绪不宁。His arrival put the girls in a flutter.

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抵达响钟亦属于富士达的东西。The arrival bell is also Fujitec stuff.

昨天我收到了一个包裹通知单。I got a parcel arrival notice yesterday.

在贵宾到达前对贵宾房进行检查。Inspects all VIP rooms prior to arrival.